Untitled Part 43

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Six weeks later the crates finally showed up. Every family was given one. The Council had a few extra for their antiques.

Shaun and Paddy reported that the ship had resumed building.

All the vampires that ran the boarding houses were selling their businesses. The money they received went towards the ship.

As soon as the new owner took over they moved down into the cavern and bricked up their entrance.

The Council wants it to look like no one ever lived down here. I wondered how they were going to do that.

Out of the fifteen boarding houses that guarded the entrances to the cavern. Twelve had been sold already. The last three had potential buyers. They were waiting for financing.

The former boarding house owners were using the now empty storerooms for their living quarters. The Guards that lived in the houses will stay there until it was time to sail.

The Council had purchased maps to cross the Atlantic. They had many meetings with their Captain. They were quite clear that they wanted to go to the Southern regions of the New World.

This is what the land was called on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

New World.

Everything was New. New lives. New beginnings. New homes.

We were starting to become excited with the idea of moving.

Many of us had started packing up the things we were not going to be using for a while.

Cassie sat at the table while I made some tea for her. She seemed on edge about something. I served her a cup of tea.

"All right Cassie what is wrong?"

She held back her tears, sort of.

"Samuel has not made up his mind if he is coming with us."

"Do not worry Cassie if he does not come with us now. We will be able to send a letter to him telling him where we are." She sighed. "Besides I do not see him being away from you too long."

There was a light tap on the door. Samuel walked in.

"Ah there you are." He sat beside Cassie.

"Hello My Love. Hello Kylie."

"Hello Samuel."

"I have reached my decision. I am going to go home," Cassie gasped, "and say good bye to my family there. I will be back in time to sail to the New World with you."

Cassie gave him a powerful hug.

"Cassie I need to breathe."

"Sorry I forget my own strength some times."

"It is all right Love. I will miss you too."

"When are you leaving Samuel?" I asked.

"I am going to leave tonight, cross the Channel and run like the wind to Leon. I should be back by this time next month." He smiled at Cassie. "Are you happy Cassie?"

She just nodded. "I have left you speechless." She nodded again.

"I am going to pack some of my things. I will see you later." He kissed her cheek.

"I will go with you." She smiled.

"You are coming to help me pack." He smiled.

"No, I will go with you to Leon. I would like to say goodbye to your family too."

They both looked at me. "As long as you are back in four weeks. The Council wants to sail as soon as the ship is ready."

"We understand." They kissed me quick on the cheeks then ran for the door.

"Papa I am going to Leon. I will be back in a month."

"Oh? All right." I heard from the door.

Paddy walked into the kitchen.

"What was that all about?"

"They are going to say good bye to Samuel's family before we sail to the New World."

"I see. They know they have to back well before we sail?"

"Yes. I gave them a deadline they had only four weeks.'

"That should give them plenty of time. When are they leaving?"



He kissed me gently on the lips. We walked into the common room. There was a knock at the door. Paddy looked at it. "Who could that be?" I shrugged my shoulders. He answered it.

"Oh Hello Suzie. What can I do for you?"

"Hello Mr. Paddy. Would Quinn be in?"

Paddy glanced at me. I shook my head.

"He is out at the moment."

"Oh." She looked disappointed. "Can you tell him I came by?"


Paddy closed the door then sat with me. We kissed.

There was another knock at the door. Paddy sighed. "It seems I can not kiss you without being interrupted." I smiled.

"I do not mind starting from the beginning again." He smiled.

There was another knock. Paddy opened the door. "Cory why did you not walk in like you usually do?" Paddy told his brother when he answered the door.

The Guard - Emigrants- part 4Where stories live. Discover now