Untitled Part 117

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Paddy told me one day after my patrol that he had gone to eat with Quinn in Katey's kitchen. "Katey was feeding Victoria May."

"That is normal. Mothers do feed their children." I said.

"I know but I do not know what she was feeding her. It smelled horrible." He shook his head.

"Did it happen to smell like boiled meat?" He thought for a moment then smelled his tunic. "How did you know that?"

"Katey was making it one day and she told your mother and I that it was apple chutney."

"There was a sweet smell to it."

"She must have added that later. It was not sweet when we smelled it."

He made a face. "It must have been horrible. The look of disgust on your face says it all." He said, smiled then kissed my nose. "I bet you wished your nose was not so sensitive."

"Your mother's nose is not as sensitive as mine. I think she was having a harder time."

"Well it is a smell I will not forget."

"I know I will not either. It is stuck in my mind forever."

"Perhaps I can find a way to take your mind off of it." He smiled them kissed me very passionately.

Our kiss was interrupted with a knock on the door. Paddy sighed. He went to answer it.

"Sir they found Marshal." Walter said.

"I did not know he was lost."

"Neither did I. His squad brought him in." Walter looked uncomfortable.

"What is it Walter?"

"His head was missing."

"What?" Paddy shouted.

"They thought he had gone to feed when they stumbled over his body. Someone cut his head off and took it."

"Where did they find him?" Paddy asked calmly.

"Just South of the shanties."

"Good it was not the manimals."

"No Sir. They are safe in their keep." Walter said.

"All right. Kylie and I will be there shortly."

"Yes Sir."

Paddy closed the door. He turned towards me. I walked over to him. We embraced.

"Let us go find Marshal's killer." He said with a kiss.

We walked to the square. The Councils were inspecting Marshal's body. Scott and Elder Camarillo were conferring with them.

"Sir, it looks like it was burned after they cut his head off." Scott was saying when we walked up to them.

"Who ever did this, did not want a blood trail." Councilman Antonio said.

"I think you are right Sir." Scott agreed with him.

"Ah Paddy. Kylie. You are here. I would like the two of you to see if you can find the person who took Marshal's head."

"Of course Councilman Klaus." We bowed to him.

"Rebecca and Misha will show you where they found Marshal." The Councilman told us.

"Yes Sir."

We left for the shanties. It was just past midnight when we are arrived at the spot. "It was here Kylie." Rebecca pointed to the flatten grass.

The Guard - Emigrants- part 4Where stories live. Discover now