Untitled Part 115

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Quinn and Elder Camarillo returned a few weeks later.

"How are things going Quinn?" Paddy asked him at dinner that night.

"Well they are back in this area."

"Good. Your grandfather has doubled up the squads for protection."

"Why would he do that?"

"They do have a taste for human and vampire blood."


"This way it will help you in tracking them if there are more of us watching for them."

"I guess you are right." Quinn sighed.

"You look exhausted Son. Go have some sleep." Paddy told him.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I do not know the last time I have slept my normal cycle."

"That is not good for you Son." Paddy said with concern.

"I know Dad but I had no other choice like you said they have a taste for blood."

"I understand Son." Paddy nodded.

"Go bathe. It will help you sleep better." I told him.

"That sounds even better."

He went down to bathe then went to bed. He woke up three days later.

"Well I now know what it is like to sleep for a few days." Quinn said as he took a piece of bread from my worktable. "You were right not very restful but it did feel good." He smiled at me.

"Why was not it restful?"

"I was worried about Missy."

"Oh that would keep you from resting fully."

"I am starving." He grabbed another piece of bread. I made him a large breakfast. He ate it all. "I have missed your cooking." He said kissing my cheek. "I am going to bathe then check on the patrols to see if they have heard anything."

"All right. I will be on patrol when you come back up."

"Okay Mom."

He went down to bathe. I went on my patrol.

Paddy's and my squad went together. We traveled South along the river and around the shanties then we crossed the river and went back around. We came across Missy and the boys' den. Everyone took a sniff so they would know their scent.

It was past midnight and they were sleeping in their den. Paddy and I watched them. They changed from one animal to another in their sleep.

We returned to the cave and let everyone know where their den was. Quinn and Elder Camarillo were very pleased. They had been looking for it.

Quinn took Gen and Melissa to watch the den. Quinn shifted Melissa into a hawk. The three of them sat in a tree and watched their children. When they returned to the cave Quinn shifted Melissa back. She gave him a big hug and kiss.

"Thank you Quinn. I was worried I was not going to see William again."

"I am glad you saw him Aunt Melissa." He smiled.

Quinn and Elder Camarillo had a lot help watching them. Shaun had a small squad positioned around their den.

It was reported during the day they hunted small game. At night, they slept. Their routine had not changed since they left the cave almost five months ago.

In the spring, they started hunting closer to the shanties. Shaun wanted us to keep them away from the humans. It was not easy they liked their livestock.

The Guard - Emigrants- part 4Where stories live. Discover now