Untitled Part 51

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 "You need to feed before we sail." Athos said.

"I know." We went upstairs. Our quarters looked so barren without any furnishings. They had removed all the doors from the living quarters.

"Paddy, I will take Kylie to feed. The three of you go to the ship."

"Do not tell anyone you found me."

"Why?" Paddy asked curiously.

"I am going to sneak onto the ship and confront Caleb." Paddy and the children smiled. "Your vampire is showing."

"Good." I nodded.

The three of them hugged me.

"Look worried." They nodded. "That should not be too hard. I have been looking that way for the last six weeks."

I touched his cheek. "I will be on that ship." I licked my lips.

"Go and feed." He whispered. I nodded. They left. I listened to them until they were out of the cavern.

"Athos is it suppose to hurt this much?"

"Yes Kylie."

"You should have tested me with stakes instead of swords." He grimaced.

We left for the nearby woods. We both feed on deer. I finished off two of them. We headed for the shipyard.

We past a cabinet maker. He had a large chest outside his shop for sale. It was the same size as the small crates we had.

I signed to Athos. 'This would be perfect for me to sneak on the ship.'

'I can carry you.'

'My thoughts exactly.'

We bought the chest. We carried it to an alley near the dockyard.

Athos carried it the rest of the way when anyone asked if he needed any help. He just told them it was empty. He was bringing it for the extra bedding.

Until he met Paddy.

"Do you need any help Athos?"

"Yes Paddy. I forgot how narrow the passages are."

They manoeuvred the chest through the ship until they reached Paddy's cabin.

He opened it slowly. He helped me out. Athos continued to his cabin with the chest. His was only a few doors down.

I was in the cabin with Paddy and the children. I was hugged and kissed. They giggled non-stop.

The ship started to rock. We were on our way to the New World.

"Come on Cassie. Let us watch the sailors."

"All right."

We both put a finger to our lips.

They nodded. I was given a quick kiss from the two of them then they were out the door.

Paddy held me by my shoulders.

"I did not want to leave. I was going to stay until I found you. I could not leave without knowing what happened." He whispered.

I touched his face and held it. I kissed him.

"I missed you." I whispered. I could not talk very loud yet. My chest still hurt.

Paddy held me tight. He was crying.

There was a light tap on the door. I moved quickly to hide behind the door. The door opened Paddy had his back to it.

"Son are you all right?" Paddy turned to face his father. Shaun went to him.

The Guard - Emigrants- part 4Where stories live. Discover now