Untitled Part 122

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I discovered while I was in the earth I could sense someone or something watching over my burial spot.

I knew when Paddy was sleeping. My spirit would go to him and stay with him. It was not Paddy watching my grave. It was something else.

I finally grew used to being watched.

Every time Paddy went to bed. I made love to him in his sleep. He was the only one I could connect with. None of my children.

How strange!

I laid in the healing earth. I did not know the passage of time. The only time I wondered around was when Paddy slept. I went straight to his arms.

One day I could feel the warm sun warming the earth around me. I wanted to feel this warmth on my skin. I dug my way out of my grave.

Something was digging down towards me when I finally felt the sun. It was too bright for my eyes. I covered them.

I heard something purring beside me. I blocked the sun from my eyes and looked at the purring form of my granddaughter, Missy.

"Hello Grandma." She purred.

She helped me out of my hole. She grabbed a robe that was hanging near by.

"Here Grandma. You need this." I nodded. I tried to speak but the words did not come.

I moved very slowly.

I looked up. There was a dragon sitting on a boulder. I moved towards him.

"That is Draco, Grandma. He has been here for a long time."

I touched his scales. He hummed beneath my hand.

"He likes your touch Grandma."

I now knew what was watching me all this time. It was this dragon.

"Come on Grandma. Everyone has been waiting for you."

I could not keep my eyes off the dragon. Draco nodded to me then he flew up into the sky.

Missy walked me into the dark cave. I finally could see clearly.

She walked slowly beside me. Every few steps a chunk of earth would fall off my body. "Grandma your skin is so beautiful. It glows."

We entered the main chamber. No one was here.

I pointed towards my quarters.

"Good idea Grandma. I think you would like to bathe before you see anyone."

We moved slowly down the family corridor. I could hear everyone talking on the other side.

It warmed my heart to hear them.

I opened the door to my quarters. No one was here. I kept going to my bedroom. I knew Paddy was not sleeping yet. He will be shortly.

"Grandma go down and bathe. I will be right back."

I nodded. I moved slowly down the stairs. I dropped the robe and stepped into the water.

'Ah!' It felt so good after so long.

I sunk down and washed the earth out of my hair. I stood up. I could feel someone watching me again. I turned around slowly.

"PADDY!" I was amazed I could say his name. My first word was his name. It burned. He held me in his arms. I kissed him the way I did in his sleep.

"It was you!"

I nodded. He held me tighter. "I though I was imagining it."

I shook my head.

The Guard - Emigrants- part 4Where stories live. Discover now