Untitled Part 94

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1620 A.D.


As time past we watched our little valley become slowly settled with mortals.

First, came the timber men then the missionaries. By this time, we had word from Wilbert that a lot of our members would like to come for a visit and see the Council's new home.

The Council decided if enough of our people came we would have a slight gathering of sorts.

Wilbert and his family gave everyone directions on how to travel to the New World and how to find the Council. Most came on his sons' boats. A few like the mixed bloods traveled on emigration ships.

The vampires, werewolves and mixed bloods started arriving a month before the actual visiting was to begin.

There was plenty of space for everyone. The patrols took the vampires South to feed. It was where most of the mortals had settled.

Many were amazed on how beautiful and quiet it was.

We had built up our supplies for this visit.

Wilbert brought all the offenders to be tried in front of the Council.

Samuel and Ramon were standing near the entrance greeting the guests. Ramon would whisper to his father.

"Father, that girl is beautiful."

"She is your cousin."

"Look at that one Father."

"That is your aunt."

I guess Ramon had not realized how big his father's family was.

"Father, how am I to find a mate if I am related to everyone?" Samuel laughed. "Do not worry Son. You will find one."

"As beautiful as Momma."

"Yes Ramon."

Ramon stayed quiet after that. He only spoke when he was greeting someone.

The Council decided to make it an impromptu gathering. Everyone was here.

Councilman Klaus stepped forward.

"Welcome my friends to our new home and our first unofficial gathering here." Everyone applauded. "We will have the new members come up and be registered then the voting in the Werewolf and Mixed Bloods Councils members then the trials. I would like all the candidate submissions in after the registering. Then the most important thing, we will celebrate with a ball."

Everyone cheered.

"All right to start with I want everyone who is going to be registered to line up in front of Zeus."

We saw a long line forming in front of Zeus.

We had not seen too much of Zeus since we came here. The Council had him catalog the entire library and to document every book and article so that anyone could find it easily.

Then he had to make the library here in the cave. It took him a long time to do the four huge crates of books. He finished the library six months ago.

The Council was very impressed.

He was still excited about all the books our guests brought for the Council. He had quickly scanned the boxes. He had not read most of them.

He was also in charge of the registry.

As each person was registered he would put the person's information in the appropriate registry and in alphabetical order.

We watched as everyone went through their registration and all their sponsors and creators sigh in relief.

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