The bug king

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Momo x Reader

"Hey (Y/N)! Look at this cool beetle! It's multiple colors!" The orange haired boy yelled.

I ran over and smiled. "Whoa~ So cool!" I said astonished. The beetle was in fact multiple colors. It was mostly green with different shades of purple and blue. It was a beautiful beetle.

"It belongs in our bug kingdom!" The boy said.

"Kingdom?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah! I'll be the king and you'll be the queen!" He smiled.

"Okay! You'll be my bug king! Forever!"

I woke up suddenly, lifting my head off the desk.

The teacher had smacked my desk with his pointing stick. "Did you have sweet dreams Ms. (L/N)?"

I stretched both my arms into the air and yawned. "I always do Mr. Bark."

His face burned red with anger. "It's Mr. Berk! Once again I'm sending you to the office Ms. (L/N)."

"Whatever." I stood up and grabbed my bag. I then began to walk to the door. "It's my last day anyways." I walked into the hall and down to the exit of the school. Not even stopping by the office. I didn't care. I was moving out of Japan soon anyways, even though it was only for a little bit.

I walked out of the front gates and down the street. My school was close to Samezuka, so I decided to stop there. I never really did visit, but Rin always asks me to.

Besides, they get to leave class and swim. I also heard there was a cool first year who is the old captain's little brother.

I stepped into the all boy's academy grounds and began to walk towards the pool. I then saw a bug fly past my face and I turned to watch it fly. It was the same beetle I saw years ago.

A boy with orange hair then ran over with a net and jar. "Aw~ It got away!" He exclaimed.

"To bad." I said. "It was a Chinese beetle to." (Is that right???)

"Huh!? You knew that?" The boy was struck with awe.

"Yeah of course!" I dropped my bag and then pointed to myself. "I'm the bug queen!" I said.

"Whoa! I'm actually the bug king!"

I put my hand to my chin and tilted my head. "Wait. Is your nickname like Momo or something?"

He nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

I smiled. "Do you remember me? I'm (N/N)! We played together when we were little!"

He stared at me for a few seconds and then realization struck his face. He then hugged me all of the sudden. "(N/N)! My bug queen! I've missed you!"

I giggled and returned the hug. "I've missed you also Momo!"

He pulled back. "Now we have to hang out lots!" Sparkles were around him.

My smile dropped. "I would but..."

"But what?" He asked. The sparkles then disappeared

"I'm moving."

His smiled also dropped. "Will you be back? To visit or something?"

I nodded. "I'll actually move back, but not till my second year. It's for my dad's business."

He smiled again. "Then let's exchange numbers and text each other till you come back!"


~One Year Later~

I looked out the plane window and blushed. We are almost to Japan and I was getting nervous. Even though we only texted one another, I grew to like Momo... A lot. I've developed a crush on the king.

The plane finally landed and I wheeled my luggage off. I stepped into the airport and looked around. Momo was holding a sign with my name on it and I practically ran to him.

I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. "(N/N)!"

"Momo! I've missed you!"

He set me down and smiled. "I've missed you also." He then pecked my lips. "More than you could imagine."

I blushed when I realized what he did. "M-Momo... Did you just... K-Kiss me?"

He nodded. "Yup! From today onward will you officially be my bug queen?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes." I then kissed his lips.

We both left the airport blushing.

I'm sorry it's long, but I like how it turned out :3 Requests are still open so go ahead and ask ^_^ Anything, but lemons 030 Sorry I'm still uncomfortable. I'm trying to brush up on my lemon skills and once I have become a master I'll open lemon requests~ So I hope to see you next chapter ^_^ Peace~

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