Lighting Fast

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Souske x Reader

Requested by: KidSoulBlackstar

I looked out the window and saw that dark storm clouds started to stir in the sky. I shivered at the thought of a storm. God how I hated them, they always scared the shit out of me. It was already bad enough since I was home alone.

I went over to the couch and sat down and stared at the tv. What to do since I'm home alone..... What to do.... Ah!

I pulled out my phone and quickly opened up my safari app. I went to kissanime. I scrolled and looked through all the different animes listed and thought of what I wanted to watch. I guess I was in a romance type mood so I went to that section. I pressed random and it pulled up the anime Snow White with the Red Hair. Of course I'm gonna watch this! It sounds cool I guess. Maybe another fairy tale with an anime twist. I always loved those.

I watched maybe 3 episodes till light flashed across the sky and a large boom erupted. I screamed and grabbed a blanket. I threw it over my head while dropping my phone and covering my ears. Damnit.

I began to weep silently as the crashing of thunder continued on. I have no clue to what to do in this situation. Thank god the power is still on.



The lights then turned off and I say in complete silence as the sound of rain pelted against my house.

I began to shake in fear. It's just my day. Ain't it?

My phone lit up on the ground and I quickly picked it up. Souske had texted me.

Souske: You okay?

He knew of my fear of thunder.

(You YOOO): Yeah...

Souske: I'm coming over

You: Don't worry I'm fine.

Right after I sent that text Souske called me and I contemplated on whether or not to pick up. I clicked the green button and put the phone to me ear. "Hello?" I asked softly.

"(F/N), are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

Hearing his voice always calmed me down. It's like God had given him his voice. "Yeah." I said quietly.

Thunder then roared throughout my house. I screamed and dropped my phone while covering my ears again. I opened my eyes to see that my phone wasn't lit up anymore. It died. Even better!! Which meant Souske will take that as a sign to invite himself over.

The door creaked open as a voice called out. "(F/N) I'm coming in. Sorry for intruding." Souske called. I heard his footsteps as he walked over to find me. "Hey." I heard him say.

I looked up at the lean guy and smiled weakly. "Hey buddy."

He sighed and sat beside me. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me over to him. "Don't worry I'm here." He said silently.

I blushed and buried my head into his said. "Yeah." Came out but was very muffled.

I then felt a gentle touch against the top of my head. He had kissed my hair. (Lmao sounds weird.... Go with it.)

"Souske." I said but it was still muffled.

I felt his thumb rub circles on my back while I began to nod off. "Thanks." I said before falling asleep.


I woke up with my head in Souske's lap. He was wide awake staring down at me with a straight face.

I bolted up and looked at him. "Sorry!" I said.

"It's fine. The storm is over." He said while standing up.

"Wait!" I grabbed his sleeve and he looked down at me.

He smiled and gently grabbed my hand before leaning down to kiss me. "You're welcome." He said before walking away.

I was blushing madly before I yelled at him. "Don't kiss girls you aren't dating!" I threw a couch pillow at him.

Ah yes! I also have the fear of the thunder. Isn't that ironic?? Lol, but please direct message me with requests!! I love taking anything you got to throw at me. Except incest. Already done chapters on that..... >:3c

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