Not Loud and Not Proud

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Nagisa x Shy! Reader
Requested by: Ashtheunicorn

"Yosh!" I whispered to myself. Today is the day I confess to this boy I like and his name is Nagisa Hazuki! We are both first years and have the same class together. He's on the swim team and his best friend is Rei Ryugazaki. They are always hanging out with their swim team, so I mustered up the courage to ask them if I could be team manager. Sadly the position was taken by another girl named Gou, but they said I'm allowed to join the team and swim if I'd like. I decided to do just that so I could at least get a bit closer to Nagisa.

I was hesitant at first but Nagisa kept asking me to join so I gave in. I don't really talk to them all that much since I'm very shy, and Gou has recognized this as a trait of mine. She approached me and ever since then we've been good friends. I still don't really talk to the boys though and they seem to understand the situation also, even though I haven't said anything. It's good they are kind.

I grabbed my bag and stood from my desk chair. I decided to put a love letter I wrote in Nagisa's locker. Well it was a love letter, more like a note asking to meet me on the roof the next morning of school, so I guess I'm technically confessing the next day. It didn't say my name though, I was to nervous to put who I was.

I rushed out of the classroom and hurried down to the shoe lockers. I was a stealthy runner and I quickly made it down. I looked over all the lockers and finally found Nagisa's. I had to hurry before swim practice started. I didn't want to be late. I opened his locker and stuck the note in.

"Hello (F/N)." Oh no.

I turned my head and saw Makoto standing there. "H-hi." I squeaked.

"What are you doing in Nagisa's locker?" He asked eyeing me.

"U-Uhm...." I slammed the locker door and rushed past him, so I could get away. Wait! The note! He's going to look inside and find it!! What do I do. Do I go back?? I can't!

"Wait (F/N)!" I turned my head and Makoto was trying to catch up to me. Why did he choose to follow me?? Ahhhh! I'm so dead!!

Somehow he caught up and grabbed my arm, pulling me back a bit in the process. "WAH!" I yelled out.

Makoto was breathing heavily, probably from running so fast. "W-what were you doing." He said in between breaths.

"I-I was..." I paused and gripped my bag. "Nothing." I squeaked.

"Liar." He narrowed his eyes. "Are you bullying Nagisa?" He asked.

"N-never!" I shouted. How could I? I have go much of a crush on him to do that.

Makoto began laughing and let go of my arm. What?

"M-Makoto?" I asked. My voice barely projecting.

"It's just that, it's the loudest I've ever heard you talk before." He couldn't stop laughing.

"W-wha?" I stepped back. "I-I gotta go to p-practice! See you there." I said and dashed off. Ah curse my shyness.

-Time Skip-

"Rei- chan! Look look!" Nagisa ran over to Rei. "I got a note! Maybe someone wants to confess to me!" Nagisa said excitedly.

"Hmm?" He looked at the note. "Maybe so." Rei pushed up his glasses.

"I hope she's pretty!" The blonde boy gripped the note and closed his eyes as if he was fantasizing on who it would be.

I listened on in on their conversation in the girl's changing room. They were coming to get changed into their swim suits, and it seems Makoto hasn't told him about our little run in yet. I sighed softly and walked out of the changing room.

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