Online Love ((Part 3))

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Rin x Reader

Run stared at me in amazement for a few seconds and then spoke up. "You are very good at swimming." He said.

"Senpai has the best time for swimming on the team." He added.

I blushed. "I guess it's a born talent. I mean I do love the water."

Rin laughed. "You remind me of my friend. He's obsessed with water." He climbed out of the pool. "Let's do something else. I got pretty bored already." (Me: Rin wth?? You just got there lol)

I also climbed out of the pool. "Alright."

~Time Skip brought to you by thug semes. They are scary~

After drying off and changing, Rin and I headed back out. We planned to go eat lunch because my stomach began to growl.

We decided on a noodle shop and made our way towards the shop. "I'm actually quite surprised with your swimming ability. I'm beyond impressed with you."

I blushed. "Thank you."

"I mean, you're good at drawing, swimming, and winning my hea-" Rin was cut of once again by another boy's voice.

A blonde boy was running over to us. "Rin-chan!" He exclaimed. "How've you been?"

"Nagisa? I'm good." Rin answered.

The boy whose name is Nagisa looked at me. "Is this your girlfriend!!??" He grabbed my hands and studied my face. "She's so pretty! Rin-chan has such a cute girlfriend!"

Rin smacked Nagisa's hands away and sighed. "She isn't my girlfriend, besides are you alone?"

Nagisa shook his head. "Nope! I actually have the whole swim team with me."

"Great." Run said under his breath in a sarcastic tone.

Nagisa looked at me again and smiled. "Hello! I'm Nagisa Hazuki! What's your name!?"

I smiled back at the boy. "I'm (L/N) (F/N). It's a pleasure to meet you." I bowed.

Three more boys then walked over to us. The one with olive green/ brown hair spoke up. "Nagisa don't run away like that." He scolded.

"I'm sorry I was just talking to Rin's girlfriend~"

"Huh?" The olive green/ browned haired boy said.

"Wow Rin is all grown up. He finally had a girlfriend." The black haired boy said.

"I'm quite impressed. She is a beautiful one at that." The purple haired boy said as he pushed up his red glasses.

Rin then grabbed my arm and whispered "Run" into my ear.

I obliged and ran away from the four boys with him. I was confused on why, but I guess he was irritated.

We ran until we came to a stop at an entrance to a shrine. I caught my breath and looked up at Rin. He was looking up at the stairs and thought for a moment. "We should visit here on New Years together."

I blushed. "Sure." I whispered.

"It would be fun. Maybe we can go to a festival together soon. You can wear a kimono and everything."

I nodded slowly and thought about it. Together with Rin. Watching fireworks, eating snacks, and playing games would be fun. "Yeah sure."

"Cool." He stayed quiet for a moment. "I'm still hungry. Let's just get some rice balls for lunch."


We slowly began to walk towards the closest convenient store. We stayed silent again. I spoke up first this time. "So... What do you do besides swimming?"

"I guess blog. That's it." He laughed. "I'm pretty boring."

I shook my head. "Don't worry. I am also."

~Lazy Time Skip~

It was getting dark now. All we did today was run around and barely spoke to one another. Rin did say that he would walk me home and I happily accepted. Rin began to whistle softly. I felt him come a bit closer and closer each second. I felt our hands lightly brush against each other and I blushed.

I then felt a hand lightly grab into mine and I slowly looked over. Rin was holding my hand while blushing a bit. He looked away to avoid eye contact as if afraid to my reaction. I blushed a deeper shade of red then intertwined my fingers with his to reassure him.
He looked at me with a look of both surprise and happiness.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I looked ahead and saw we were almost to my house and I frowned. I stopped in front of it and Rin did also. "Is this your house?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. I was about to let go of Rin's hand when he suddenly tugged me back and wrapped an arm around my waist. He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and put his hand lightly on my cheek.

My face heated up even more then his warm hand and I looked into his eyes. He slowly began to lean in and I closed my eyes.

CLIFFHANGER!! WHY? BECAUSE WHY NOT! The next chapter will be Makoto x Reader so it's something new and fresh. The last part will be put up after the Makoto x Reader. So sorry for the wait. I actually wrote the Makoto x Reader after the second part to this one and I really wanted to publish it 030 I'm sorry that the final part will be posted after another oneshot ;-; I'll see you next chapter! Peace~

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