Beauty and the Beast ((Part 1))

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This one was a tie actually, but since one of the other characters won another story I'll use the other character that hasn't been voted on on other stories be as the love interest in this fairy tale.

I also had to do some reading and watching of movies for each story so far to refresh my memory so I'm not being s complete idiot, but also I will be adding my own twists here and there.


"(F/N)!" My father called out to me.

"Yes father?" I answered while carrying a book in hand down the stairs.

"Could you fetch some groceries from the market darling?" He asked.

"Yes father! I'll be back soon!" And from my father's request I put on my small hooded poncho and went outside.

"Hello (Horse's name)." I said to my beautiful (Colour of horse) stallion standing patiently in his small home.

He made a huffing noise and I slowly led him out. "Today we are going into town." I got onto him. "Father needs some groceries." We trotted along the dirt road and took our time getting into town. Everyone was nice as usual and greeted me as I got off the horse and tied her down.

I made my way through the town heading down to the market area until I was stopped by a certain boy. "Hello there (F/N)~" The maroon haired boy cooed.

"Hello Rin." I sighed softly. "What is it that you need?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing much my dear, I was just admiring you as usual." Rin used his smolder face.

I contained a laugh and smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment." I went to turn away but Rin grabbed a book I had been carrying away from me. "R-Rin!"

"What's this? A book?" He held the book loosely with two fingers.

"Yes. It's my book." I snatched it back from him. "Please don't take things that aren't yours." I turned to leave.

"Where are you going?!" Rin cat called out to me.

"Away from you!" I laughed as I waved goodbye to him.

I gathered all the groceries my father had asked for and headed back home. When I got there it seemed he had left while I was gone.

I put everything away and looked to a note that was left on his desk. It read he would be gone for the evening but would be back before midnight.

"Alright." I whispered to myself.

As time passed I silently read by the fireplace, entrancing myself into my book. It was getting late so I decided to head off to bed. I was far to tired to wait for father to get home.

After I woke up in the morning there was no sign of father or go where he would be. No note was left to signify he had gone somewhere else so I began to worry.

I read his note again and it said he was at the Samezuka castle. Eh? That place has been abandoned for years, so why was he there. It wouldn't hurt to check up on him since his health wasn't the best lately.

I ran out to (Horse's name) and saddled her up. I got up on her and we quickly rushed to Samezuka castle. We slowed down as we arrived and I shivered. The air was some what colder here than in town, even though it was the winter season. I got off of (Horses's name) and turned to her. "I'll be back soon." I whispered.

I went inside the dark castle. "Hello!" I called out. "Is anybody here?" I called out again. I went up the huge staircase. "Father?! It's me (Y/N)." No answer.

Though it was cold outside, the inside was very warm as if someone was living here. "Father?!" I called out again as I carried on. I looked through and through the entire castle. I heard chains rustling and I ran to the sound. My father was being kept prisoner. "Father!" I ran to the bars and grabbed onto them.

He coughed. "Oh no (F/N) you must get out of here!" My father pleaded. He tried to stand but failed and collapsed.

"Father! I'll find a way to get you out." I said determined.

"No no." He coughed again. "(F/N) you must leave at once befo-" Suddenly a loud roar echoed throughout the castle. "Leave hurry. Right now!" My father urged.

"But I can't leave without you!" I fell to my knees. Suddenly steps and huffs could be heard as someone or something was approaching.

"No." my father whispered with a weak tone. "Go my dear." He urged one last time.

I turned my head slowly as the beast came into view. It was covered in fur with large hands and feet. The beast was wearing clothes though. It's dark black fur and bright teal eyes pierced through me. I was shaken up a bit, but was brace enough to stand. The beast was carrying a torch with it. "Who?" Its loud voice boomed. "Are you?"

I clenched my fists and lifted up my chin. "I am (F/N) and you have my father."

"(F/N)." My father said quietly.

"I would like him back please." I said with a large and confident tone.

The beast hung the torch on the wall and slowly walked over to me. He wasn't close enough that I could reach him though. "No. he is my prisoner." The beast huffed.

I thought for a moment. "Take me as your prisoner instead than. Please just release my father. He's terribly ill."

"(F/N) no." My father coughed.

The beast looked over at my father than back to me. He stepped forward and reached out to my head.

I stepped back and the beast pulled away. "Fine." He growled.

"No my dear." My father said weakly.

The beast opened the cell and I helped my father up and out. "My horse is outside. Take him home safely with you. I'll be okay I promise." I said to my father while taking off my hood and putting it on him.

My father looked as if he wanted to fight back but he was to weak to. "I'll come back for you my dear. I promise." My father said while kissing my forehead.

My father had left while the beast pointed to the cell. "Go." He ordered.

I bowed and stepped inside. It was awfully chilly in this part of the castle and I shivered. The door was closed behind me and the beast had left. I sighed and sat down on the cold floor. I shivered and rubbed my arms for warmth. I laid upon the floor and closed my eyes. All I can do for now is sleep.

~Small time skip~

I was awoken to the beast walking down to the cell. I bolted up from the floor and stood. The beast unlocked the cell and opened it. "Am I free to leave?" I asked quietly.

"No." his voice boomed. "You're being moved to another room." He turned around and began to walk.

I followed closely behind him as we moved in silence. "So what is your name?" I asked him. No response. He didn't seem to want to get along at all.

After a bit of walking he opened a door and inside was a much better living space. A bed, dresser, a small fire place and other things as well. He pushed me in and I fell to the floor. "Hey you didn't have to pu-" when I turned my head he had already locked and closed the door.

I sighed and walked over to the bed. I sat upon the silky sheets and laid back. Why did the beast move me to such a nice room? I may question it but I can't complain since it's much warmer here.

Since I began to question everything there was one question on my mind. Who was the beast?

It became so long I had to separate it into parts DANG. It's taking me so long on this one since I like to add a lot. I'll try to cut down a bit more so I can rush out regular ONE shots again. Please bare with me for the time being (*'Д*)

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