Girly Much?

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Male! Reader x Gou

I looked in the mirror again. I twirled once and studied myself. I really look like a girl! Ok ok. Let me explain. Ever since I was a child I've had more girl like features. My face especially. I even have the build of a girl, well except the parts. All my crushes were on girls, but they never knowledge me as a boy.... Really! Boys have had crushes on me and even gave love letters and confessed to me at school! And today I finally took it to the next level with my best friend Gou. I dressed up as a girl. "How does it look?" I asked, still studying myself.

She stood up from the floor and smiled. "You look amazing!" She said while clapping her hands together. "Like a real girl, but we need to do something about your hair." She motioned to my hair.

I grabbed a piece. "Ah you're right. Maybe a clip or something we can add? To you know, girl it up." I paused. "We aren't going out, are we?" I asked nervously.

"Hahaha...." She trailed off with a smirk on her face.

-Time Skip-

"God damnit Gou." I cursed under my breathe.

"It's fine!" She slapped my back. "No one will know! We didn't even have to shave your legs since you already do that." She laughed.

"Sh-shut up! I only do it because I want to." I flicked her nose.

"Ow." She covered her nose, but continued to giggle. "Good thing you're also short. A small cute girl." She began to laugh uncontrollably.

Oh! I forgot to point it out but we ended up downtown. She decided she wanted to go try on different clothes. "Wh-whatever." I said while blushing. Honestly I was against the whole thing from the start, but if I got to be with Gou I will do anything. She is my best friend yes, but I also have a crush on her. Guilty!

She stopped giggling and pointed out into the distance. "Look!" I turned around and spotted them. "It's my brother and his friend Nitori!"

"We gotta go." I pulled her arm but she didn't budge, instead she waved them down. "Gou!"

"Yoooo Rin! Nitori!" She called to them.

They walked over to us. "Hi." Rin said bluntly.

"Hello Gou." Nitori smiled sweetly. Ah he also seems a bit girly. "Whose your friend?" He looked at me and smiled again.

"This is Uhm..... (Girl/ neutral Name).... Yeah! (Last Name) (Girl/ Neutral Name)." She smiled awkwardly.

Rin looked at me up and down and blushed a bit. "Huh. Nice to meet you (Last Name)."

Of course I can't talk. My voice isn't manly but it isn't quite girlish either. I'll just have to raise my tone. "Er. Hi." I said nervously. "N-Nice to meet you." I said cautiously.

"Nice dress." Rin said bluntly.

How the hell does he not recognize me? Gou began to laugh again. "Can we leave?" I whispered to her while tugging on her arm.

"Sorry we have things to do guys. We can't talk right now or hangout." She said enthusiastically. Gou then pulled on me and began to walk off.

"Wait. Gou!" Rin called out, but we were already out of site.

- Time Skip-

We ended back up at Gou's and she couldn't stop laughing the whole way back. She probably looked crazy to everyone. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Rin was totally into you! Omg you could just tell." She covered her mouth to stop her endless giggling.

"Whatever. Can I change into something else?" I asked while picking up the hem of the dress. Only a bit.

"Sure! Actually you should wear some of my brothers clothes! They are in his old room in his closet." She grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. She pushed me in. "Go look and find something." She threw me my clothes. "I'm sure his pants will be to big so find something cool!" She then closed the door.

I let out a sigh and opened the closet. I took off the old clothes and put on my pants with my belt. I looked at the hangers of shirts and jacket and finally decided on something. A black t-shirt with a black leather jacket. Would Rin even wear this? Maybe not but who knows. I put them on and looked into the mirror. I looked. Like a boy! Not some weird tomboy but a boy! I ruffled my hair. A bad boy. I laughed at the thought and went back to Gou's room. She was sitting down and reading some muscle magazine while sparkles and flowers basically surrounded her.

"Done." I said to get her attention. She looked up and dropped her jaw.

"You look so cool!" She jumped up and walked over to me. "Like some badass boy whose picking his girlfriend up for a date." She chuckled.

I thought for a moment. "Maybe I am." Without thinking I stepped towards Gou and she began to back up until her back hit the wall. I gently placed my hand beside her head on the wall. She seem to understand a bit of what I meant.

"Wh-what?" She blushed.

I used my other hand to gently tilt her cheek up. "I'm here to pick up my girlfriend for a date." I slowly went in to kiss her. She closed her eyes and as I lightly placed my lips on hers I closed mine also.

"Oi!" A voice rang out behind us and I turned my head over my shoulder. It was Rin. "What are you doing to my sister?" He asked.

I widened my eyes and backed away from her. "N-nothing!" I blushed and bowed. "S-sorry sir!" I said.

"Sounds like Nitori." He said under his breathe. "Gou I didn't know you liked bad boys." He scoffed.

"What. Are you DOING HERE?!" She stomped up to him. She was pissed.

"WAH!" Rin backed up and put his hands up in a defenseless manner. "I just came for a v-visit! That's all."

She thought for a moment. "Wait a minute. You came to see my friend. Didn't you?"

"Well." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah." He admitted.

"Well he's right here." She pointed to me.

"W-what!!" Rin said in surprise. "Gou. You're into girls??" He asked in concern.

"No you idiot." She smacked him in the head. "My friend is a boy."

Rin looked at me. Made a face then walked away while mumbling 'sorry'.

Gou then shut the door. And slowly turned on her heal. She looked at me and blushed a bit. "S-so where are we going for our date?"

WOAHWOAHWOAH. I updated?! I surprised myself. Mannnn I need to update more, but I need requests. Please message me!! Like ANYONE. From Free! Of course. Anythinnggggggg

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