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Makoto x Reader

Makoto's POV

I was about to walk in the front gates of the school with Haru when I heard a certain blonde boy call out my name.
"Makoto-chan! Haru-chan!"Nagisa yelled and ran over to me.

"Drop the chan." Is all that Haru said.

"Yes?" I asked.

He shoved a magazine in my face and I took it from his hands. "Look! A model is transferring into our school! Isn't that cool? She's popular and pretty to!" His eyes were sparkling with excitement.

I smiled at him and opened the magazine. I found the article and read it over. The model's name is (L/N) (F/N) and she is really pretty. It says in the article that she is transferring today.

"I really want to meet her." Nagisa wined. "Also in the article it says she wants to do a sports club! Maybe we can convince her to join the swim team!!" He added.

I sweat dropped. "Nagisa I don't think she'll join our small club. Besides there is only four of us at that."

"Awww! Come on Makoto! Don't say that, maybe she likes to swim." Nagisa wined again.

"What's all this un-beautiful screaming about?" Rei said as he pushed up his glasses and walked over.

Nagisa grabbed his arm and pulled him over to us. "Rei-chan! A model is transferring to our school!"

"And?" Rei questioned.

"She wants to join a sports club! Maybe we can get her to join our swim team!" Nagisa said excitedly.

"If she doesn't like water. Don't let her in." Added Haru.

I sweat dropped again. "Uhm. Haru. I don't think she'll join anyways."

"Come on Makoto! Have some hope!" Nagisa smiled.

~Time Skip~

The class bell had rang and I sat down in my seat. The teacher walked in and began to write on the board. "As you all know we have a transfer student today. You may know her to be quite popular among children your age." He finished writing on the board. The name was (L/N) (F/N). So she's in our class. "Please come in and introduce yourself."

The girl I saw in the magazine article walked in. She seemed to be more beautiful in person. Her hair swayed from side to side and a bright smile was upon her face. She stopped and turned to face the class. "Hello." She bowed. "My name is (L/N (F/N) and I hope to get along with all of you. Please take care of me." She stood straight back up and scanned her eyes across the room. Her eyes then landed on me and she smiled.

I blushed and quickly smiled back. I felt flustered for some odd reason.

"Sit where you want." The teacher said.

She nodded. "Thank you." She then strides over to where I was and sat at the empty desk next to mine. I looked at Haru who shrugged and looked back to (L/N). She smiled at me and waved a little.

I did the same, but with a blush on my face also.

~Wee whoo time Skip~

Class had finally ended and lunch had came around. I stood up and pulled out my bento box. I stood next to Haru and waited for him. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. (L/N) was standing there.

"Moshi mosh~ I'm (L/N) (F/N), but you may call me (F/N). What's your name?" She asked while smiling.

"Ah!" I blushed. "I'm Tachibana Makoto, but you may also call me by my first name." I said.

"Well I hope we can be friends." She bowed and walked away.

I clenched onto my shirt. Why is my heart beating so fast? Why am I blushing?

Your POV

~Time Skip~

I walked out of the school and finally got away from a group of fans. I love all the compliments! It's just I want to see Makoto again. I blushed. Man he is hot. My heart races when I'm by him. I hope I kept my composure when we talked.

In the distance I saw the olive green haired boy and his raven haired friend. I ran over to them quickly. "Hey Makoto."

They stopped and turned around. "I'll go on ahead." The raven haired boy said then walked off.

Makoto waved a little to the boy and turned back to me. "Hey (F/N)." I saw he had a slight blush on his face.

"Wanna walk home together?" I asked.

His little smile dropped. "I would, but I'm on a swim team and I have practice."

I smiled a wider smile. "Maybe I can visit and watch you guys practice! I want to join a sports club anyways."

"That would be nice." He smiled at me before kissing my cheek. "Get home safely tonight though. Visit us tomorrow."

I blushed and touched my cheek lightly before he walked away. Oh man how I blushed.


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