Hit and Miss

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Rin x Reader

Rin and I were in another fight. Sadly. They've been becoming more frequent and more.... Serious. It scares me because I really worry about our relationship! I mean we've been childhood friends since forever and started dating two years ago, but we continue to bicker about stupid, little things.

This time it was about his relationship with my school's swim team. Iwatobi. I'm on the team of course because I grew up with Rin, but Rin hates it since he doesn't like Haru. At all. Haru is the person I hang out with the most! Including Makoto of course. It all started when the whole swim team and I were walking downtown to get a team snack. Rin and Nitori were walking together and spotted us. Gou was with us, mind you that. He immediately stomped over and tried to pull me away. Gou got upset over this and scolded him. He got even more pissed and informed me to text him later.

Being me, I went directly to his dorm and knocked on the door. Nitori answered. "Oh! Welcome!" He said awkwardly, most likely thinking about the small incident.

"Who's here." I heard Rin's voice.

Nitori opened the door to reveal me standing there. Rin was propped up on his elbows. He frowned at me and got up from the bed. Nitori eyed us and quietly left. I walked in and shut the door behind me. "What's your problem Rin?" I asked and dropped my bag.

"My problem? What's yours? Hanging out with the enemy." Rin scoffed.

"Enemy?" I crossed my arms. "That enemy you referred to is not just the swim team I'm on, but me also." I stepped closer and poked his chest.

"Then just quit the team!" He raised his voice.

"Quit the- are you crazy?! Swimming is my life." I stated in shock.

"How so? You've only been copying me!"

"Copying you..." I paused. "Rin do you really think that?" I said in pain by his words. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"(F/N), I'm so-" He went to hug me, but I turned and grabbed my bag. I ran out of the room. "Wait! (F/N)!" Rin called out.

And now here we are. Me crying next to some vending machines, outside, at night, and it's cold. I pulled my knees up and put my head on them, trying to hide my tears.

"(F/N)?" Haru's voice rang out.

I looked up in surprise and stood up quickly. "Oh Haru!" I said. I tried to act normal.

"You've been crying." He stated and tilted his head slightly.

I wiped my cheeks. "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry."

Haru then hugged me. "It's going to be alright." He said in a normal tone. He probably had no clue to why I was crying, but was trying to comfort me.

"Nanase Haruka!" A roaring voice came.

Haru let go of me and we both turned to see Rin. "Oh." He said, disappointed.

"What do you think you're doing!" Rin grabbed onto Haru's collar and pulled him up.

"Rin stop!" I said.

"Comforting a crying friend." Haru shrugged.

"By hugging her? My girlfriend!" Rin was practically fuming.

"Rin!" I yelled before smacking him in the face. "Put him down!" I screamed.

Rin dropped Haru and grabbed his own cheek. He stared at me with wide eyes. I've never hit anyone. No. One. I couldn't even hurt a fly, but now I have. And Rin knew that he had crossed the line. "I- I don't...." He trailed off.

Haru pat my head. "See you tomorrow (N/N)." He walked away.

I stared at Rin. I'd hit him. Full on. On the face. Oh god he'll surely hate me now.

"(F/N)." He said my name. I closed my eyes and waited for him to yell. But instead he hugged me. I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry. I should've just...." He paused. "I don't know handled it differently. I was out of line. I'm so sorry." He kept mumbling, and trying to piece his words together.

I wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay. I'm sorry for hitting you."

He pulled back and kissed me softly. When was the last time we kissed. God it felt nice. He pulled back and smiled a little. "I love you." I blurted out. Damn my honesty.

Rin laughed. "I love you to." He said before kissing me again.


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