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Makoto x Reader

I ran my hand through my hair again and wipes my sweaty palms onto my pants. I stared at the door and hesitantly out my hand on the knob. I then finally grabbed it and opened the door. I stepped into the room and went over to the bed. Laying their was (Y/N) (L/N) hooked up to all different kinds of equipment.

She had a heart condition and I overheard the doctors talk about how she doesn't have much time. I walked over to the chair and sat down. My eyes scanned her sadly. I promised to visit everyday and now it's been getting harder to.

Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked at me. I smiled to make her feel happy. "Makoto." She whispered. You came again."

I took her hand. "Of course I did. I promised to come everyday. I wouldn't miss one day for the world."

She turned her head away. "Well you won't have to be visiting long anymore." I saw tears roll down her cheeks and my eyes widened. "The doctor told me this morning I have less then a week."

I took my other hand and grasped her hand tighter. "No. Don't believe him (Y/N). You can fight through this."

She looked at me again and smiled. "Makoto. I have something important to give you when you come tomorrow."

I took my hand and wiped the tears off of one cheek. "Of course I'll come."

She stayed silent for a moment. "Hey Makoto."



"You're welcome."

~Next day~

I walked into the elevator of the hospital and pressed the third floor button. I walked out when it opened on the floor I requested. I walked to (Y/N)'s room and went to grab the door knob. Before I could do that the door opened and in the doorway was the doctor.

His face dropped. "Are you Makoto?"

I nodded. "Yes sir."

He handed me a letter. "This is for you. Read it before you go in."

I took the letter and nodded again. "Alright."

I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. I then began to read.

Dear Makoto,

First I'd like I thank you again for being there with me every single day. I really appreciate the words and gifts you've gave me. I wished I could've repayed them. I really wish I could. By the time you read this I will be gone from this world. My dad told me though that I would become a beautiful angel and watch over others. I get to watch over you now. He told me I could watch the person I love an that person is you. I really love you Makoto. I wished everyday that I could wake up the next morning and see you, but I didn't today. I wished everyday that I could make it, but I didn't today. I wished a lot, I even wished I had the guts to tell you, but I never did. Please move on without me Makoto. That is my final wish. I hope I don't sound selfish.
(Y/N) (L/N).

Closing the letter, I put my arm over my face. I haven't cried since the day I found out (Y/N) was in the hospital. I was 7.

I also loved (Y/N), but didn't have the guts to tell her.

Now I wish I had.

Oh gosh I'm crying ;-; This is my first angst and I feel really sad ;3; My poor baby Makoto :( Bleeehghh Now in going in the corner to drown in despair.

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