05. memories and first lessons

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Remus lifted Jackie out of her bed while Sirius lifted harry out Jackie started giggling as he started flying her around her hair turning yellow then he place her on his knees and start tickling her

"Uncle moony stop" she giggle everyone laughed

"Imagine what house they'll be in" lily said James beside her wrapping his arms around her

"I think jackpot will fit in every house don't you think" Sirius said he start swaying harry around

"They both will" James said kissing both of his kids heads

"Mr woods I found you a seeker" professor McGonagall said motioning harry

Hermione's pov

I wake up from noise of laughing I sir up to see Jackie laughing in her sleep she warned me though i look at the time and saw it was 6:30 I got up and go to her

"Um Jackie? Jackie wake up" I said she groan and flipped around "no Jackie seriously wake up we need to be there on time" I said but she flipped me off I grabbed her blankets and drop it on the floor

"Aah! What happened" she said making me laugh I pulled her again until she stands up

"Ok ok I'm up" she said rubbing her eyes she then run to the bathroom

"Jackie you douche bag" I call running after her but she lock the door laughing

Jackie's pov

We were In transfiguration class everyone dipping their quills in the ink while I use one of my pens

"Ugh this thing is so boring" Hermione said putting her quill down I open my bag and grab a pen

"Here use this" I said and give it to her she smiled and say 'thanks'

The door barged open then Ron and harry run in

"Whew amazing can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we're late" Ron said I laughed a little the cat hop off the desk and it turned into the professor

"That's bloody brilliant" Ron said I had my mouth gaped in amusement

"Thank you for that mr weasley maybe if I were to transfigure mr potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time" she said I laughed making harry give me a death glare and say 'we got lost'

"Perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one ot find your seats" she finished harry sat beside me and Ron next to him

I feel like someone was looking at me I turned around and see draco look at me and smile making my cheeks flush pink and look away

Nothing excites me more than potions we were sitting in potions class waiting for blackie to arrive I got bored so I take out my sketchbook that I got from harry few days ago and my pencil and start sketching hermione was too busy to notice also I didn't even notice the teacher was in class only when she nudges me

"what" I said still looking at the drawing she then grab the book I look up to see him staring at me

"Potters our new celebrities" he said still looking at me "hey professor" I said I knew he was trying hard not to smile

"Mr potter tell me what would I get if I add powdered root asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry just shrugged and Hermione's hand was flying

"You don't know? Well let's try again where, mr potter would you look if I ask you to get me a bezoar?" Hermione's hand shot up again

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