45. rewrite the stars

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We were practicing levicorpus and I volunteered to be used for Fred, George and hermione and it was fun.

I had my shirts rolled up to my arms and my trousers are rolled up a little too and I had a beanie on my head. also I had my hair tied up in a low bun just above my neck.

"I swear to godrick if you drop me I'll kill every single one of you" I laugh as they made float in the air.  I saw harry helping cho but she was distracted. "Oh, poor Nigel" I joked but it wasn't even that far when she lost concentration and Nigel fall. I laugh.

I sat with draco talking and making out and for some reason he was thinking about something "are you really going to join the squad?" I asked. He looked at me shocked. "What? I'm not, why would you say that?" He lied

"Draco don't lie" I warned "Ok, fine I'm going to" he said "don't, promise me you wont" I begged "why I need the extra credit you joined" he argued. "Draco, I joined because I don't want her to hate me anymore" I lied.

Well it's partially true. I don't want her to hate me and punish me for every little single thing I I even if it's right. He sighed

"Fine I won't" he said "promise?" I said holding out my pinkie "promise" he said locking our pinkies

"Alright sis be careful" George said as he gave me a heart shaped chocolate box with umbridge's name on it "I will" I said and walked to filch's chair that was infront of the room of requirement. I slowly put it down on the table and got back to them. soon, filch came and saw the chocolate.

He immediately opened it and put one in his mouth. We watched curiously and red boils start showing on his face and he run to umbridge's office. We high five eachother and walk away laughing.

We casted spells at the mannequin sending him away from us. Lots were saying 'Expeliarmus,levicorpus, Stupefy' suddenly it was my turn "reducto" me and ginny said at the same time and the mannequin was destroyed into ashes. Everyone looked at us amused. "Well done jj, ginny" harry said

We were practicing one to one and me and hermione were together.  Neville concentrated and "Expeliarmus!" He disarmed padma successfully. "Wow neville fantastic" I said and high five him

"So that's it for today's lesson, we're not gonna be meeting again after the holidays" the students starts whining. "So keep practicing on yourself while you can and well done everyone" my clapping echoed in the room soon everyone joined and clapped.

"So how was it?" I asked as I sat beside harry infront of Ron and hermione. "Wet" harry said honestly. "I mean she was sort of crying" he said. "That bad at it are you?" Ron joked and I laugh with him as he looked at us with raised eye brows

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory" Hermione reassured harry who nodded. "Cho spends half her time crying these days" she continued quietly

"You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up" Ron said again making me laugh

"Don't you understand how she must be feeling? Well, obviously she's feeling sad about cedric and confused about liking harry, guilty about kissing him conflicted because umbridge sack her mum from the ministry and frightened of failing her OWLs because she's worrying about everything else"

"One person could not feel all of that. They'd explode" Ron said flabbergasted "just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon" Hermione said.

I tried to hold my laughter for a second then I erupted into laughter soon the others joined. We all sat their laughing like a family.

It feels like I'm going down the aisles of glass orbs then I saw Arthur. Then he starts getting beaten. "Arthur..." I called but there was no voice coming out of me. "ARTHUR!" still he can't hear me and I can't reach him and soon he was covered in blood and laid on the floor weak.

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