48. battle at the ministry

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We all walked to the aisle to find sirius then we found it. "97. He should be here" harry said. "Harry, jackie this got your names on it" neville said looking at a glass orb. me and harry go and harry took it.

"The twins with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches......born to those who have thrice defied him, born when the seven month dies....and the dark lord will mark them as his equal, but they will have the power the dark lord knows not....and either must die in the hand of the other for neither can live while two survive.....the twins with the power to vanquish the dark lord will be born at the seventh month dies..." it said.

Then a death eater approached us. "Where's sirius?" Harry asked. "You should really know the difference between dreams and reality" he took his mask off. "Barbie" I said. "You saw only what the dark lord want you to see, but your sister was very strong harry, but after we heard she suffered the majic dampener and knew she lost all her powers it was the best time" lucius said

"Now hand me that prophecy" he said "you do anything to us I'll break it" I warned. Then we all heard a wicked laugh. "She knows how to play, Itty bitty baby. Potter" she said. I felt neville grabbing my hand.

"Bellatrix lestrange" he said. "Longbottom isn't it? How's mom and dad?" She joked  "Better now that they're going to be avenged" he raised his wand but I grab him as she did the same. "Everybody just calm down shall we, just lower your wands and hand me that prophecy" lucius said.

"Why did voldemort want us to come and get this" me and harry asked. "How dare you speak his name, YOU FILTHY HALFBLOOD!" Bellatrix yelled. "It's alright they're just curious kids, aren't you? Prophecies can only be received by whom they are made about" lucius said

We start getting surrounded by death eaters. "Which is lucky for you two really. Haven't you always wondered: what was the reason for the connection between you two and the dark lord. Why he was unable to kill you when he attacked infants, don't you want to know the secrets behind your scars? All the answers, are there potter. In your hands" lucius said

I raised my wand while my other hand still holding neville's. "All you have to do is give it to me. I could show you everything" lucius said "we've waited for Fourteen years" harry said. "I guess we have to wait a little longer" I finished
"NOW!" Harry yelled. "Stupefy!" We all said blasting the death eaters away and ran off.

I got separated from the others. "Harry!" I yelled as I run. Then I was met by lucius. "Oh, how I hope I'd be the one to get you. But I can't kill you because you belong to the dark lord. But I can torture you" he approaches me and I backed away until I was pressed against a shelf of the orbs. "Well what are you waiting for?" I said as he points his wand at me. He didn't use any spell.

Instead he grabbed my hair and throw me to the other shelf. "You think you're that strong huh?" I said smiling, wiping my blood from the corner of my lips. I approached him, my fists clenched. I punched him. Making him stumble backwards. I pointed my wand and yelled "patrificus totalus" I saw as he freezes and ran away.

I soon meet up with the others. Ginny looks at me and I nodded as we both raised our wands. "Reducto!" We blast the death eater. But the orbs start falling and crashing down. "Shit, guys run!" I yelled. Hermione grabbed my hand as we run. We run to a door and opened it, once we got through we start falling. "Aresto momentum" I said and we stopped inches away from the ground and plopped down.

I heard voices coming down from a white vial in the room and walked over it. "Did you hear that?" "The voices" Me and harry said "there's no voices guys" Hermione said. "I hear them too" Luna said. We all heard a swoosh. "Get behind us" I said and everyone got behind us. The dark smoke surrounded us messing with our vision.

As the smoke disappeared everyone was was held by death eaters. Lucius was holding my hair "Come on now, lady potter, stop pretending you're not afraid" he said I looked at harry who was standing infront of me and winked.

I laughed. "I never knew you could be this dumb lucius, considering draco is really genius Are you sure he's your son? I mean look at you who want to bear your child, How dumb are you for thinking I'm metamorphmagus and my Hair doesn't change color when I'm afraid" i said confidently. I hissed as the grip on my hair tightened. "Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that you stood a chance against us" lucius said

I kept my straight face. "I'll make this simple for you, potter. Give me the prophecy or you'll have to watch your sister die" lucius said and I snorted. "Harry don't give it to him. He doesn't have the dick to do it" I joked laughing as he gets angry and point his wand at my neck. Then I saw harry hesitating.

"Harry, brother, you can't give him. We've been through more than this, we've gone through lots of Terrible things more than this, don't give him. This is what he didn't have last time" I said struggling to get out of lucius' grip

But harry come forward putting the prophecy into lucius' hand. Lucius throw me to the ground but harry wad quick to catch me. "I'm sorry. Mom told me to protect you, I wanted to protect you that why I gave him" he said "I know it's ok" I said hugging him

I turned to lucius but saw a figure behind him. My smile widened "Get away from my children" Sirius said punching lucius. "Nice one dad!" I said. The order came causing the death eaters to release the others. The battle started. Sirius took me and harry behind as a rock.

"Listen to me, take everyone and get out of here" Sirius said "what? No we're staying here" harry said. "With you" I said. He smiled and kissed our heads and start fighting lucius. Another death eater came to help him but I blocked his shot. Me, Sirius and harry fight the two. While our friends stayed hidden and the orders fight the others.

"Stupefy!" I blast the death eater away. "Nice shot lily" Sirius said. Me and harry give him a quick confused look and kept fighting.  "Expeliarmus" harry disarmed lucius. "Nice one james" Sirius said. I smiled as I realized he was calling us by our parents names. He kept fighting lucius and blast him away. I smiled at him.

It was like everything happened in a blink of an eye. "Avada kedavra" Sirius was hit with a spell Bellatrix shot. My smile disappeared. He gave us one last sad smile before disappearing into the archway.

I run after him but tonks held me while remus hold harry back. Tears start falling down my cheeks. And I let out a loud scream. The bricks on the walls start shuttering and falling as I scream. Then I spot Bellatrix smiling at me. My body was filled with rage and sadness. My hair turned red and dark blue. I pushed tonks away with all the force I have and run after her harry following behind.

"I killed Sirius black! I killed Sirius black!" She sing. "Crucio!" Me and harry said and she fell on the ground. I kept spinning my wand in a very slow motion torturing her.

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