06. seeker and chaser

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'Did you know that harry potter Is a seeker now? Jackie is also the new chaser for griffindor I always knew they'll do good' the ghost said as we walk

"Seeker and chaser?" Ron gasped "but first years never make the house teams"

We walked down the corridors I was so proud of my brother even though he caught an apple instead of the rememberal

"You knew this was going to happen didn't you?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder I just nodded

"Wait how did she know" Ron asked

"I have these dreams that I see everyday its like memories and futures" I said he looks at me amused like always

"Wow Jackie you're indeed full of surprises" he said and the twins joined us

The twins came behind us putting their hands around both my shoulders putting their weights on me

"Get off me you assholes" I laughed struggling to get free

"Well done harry and jackie" Fred congratulates  "Wood just told us" George finished

"Fred and george are in the team too beaters" Ron stated "Our job is to make sure you don't get blooded up too bad" George said I smiled

"But where's the fun in that" I stated the twins smiled at me while Ron smiled and harry glared at me

"Exactly" they said  "Can't make any promises of course. Rough game quidditch" George said

"Brutal, But no one's died in years" Fred said  "Harry would be the first one then" I mocked  "Jj not now please" he said glaring at me I put my hands up in surrender

"Someone will vanish occasionally" Fred joked and george finished "but they'll turn up in a month or two"  We kept walking as they separated their ways from us "oh go on harry quidditch is great" Ron said

"Yeah living fast and dying young is also great" I said then I watch hermione sitting on the bench with some students I smiled as she looks at me, I extended my hand for her to take it she did and we walked behind the boys

"But we've never even played quidditch" we stopped walking my hair now orange as I sigh "what if we make a fool of myself" he stated

"You won't make a fool of yourself" Hermione said "its in your blood" I know what she meant as she lead us to the trophy case

In the front I saw a seeker trophy 'James potter' I smiled remembering watching him get it in my dreams

Harry looks at me smiling "You saw it didn't you" he asked

"I did" I said and hug him he hugs me back

"It's creepy that she knows more about you two than you do" Ron said

"Who doesn't" we both said

"Ok stop you sound like my brothers" he said as we laughed

We were walking the stairs when it started moving "What's happening" harry said Cleary terrified

"The staircases changed remember" Ron said it stopped and we start walking before the staircases start moving again like Ron suggested

We opened the big brown door expecting to find another hallway but instead we find many cobwebs and states god they look cool

"We aren't supposed to be here the third floor corridor is forbidden" Hermione said

"Only when dumbledore's around" I said still walking "harry can I keep on of these statues?" I asked

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