28. unforgivable curses

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I sat next to Seamus eating gums in DADA class as the new professor stand infront of us. Seamus loves gums and whenever someone's around him he always gives them

"Alastor moody ministry malcontent and your new defense against dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end any questions?" I slowly start raising my hand but Seamus pulled it down "you idiot stop" he whisper yelled making me laugh

"When it comes to the dark arts, I belive in a practical approach but first, which one of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses are there" "three sir" Hermione said clearly terrified "and they are so named?" He asked

"Because they're unforgivable, une of any one of them will..." "will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct now ministry said you're too young to see what this curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared" Seamus put his gum under the table

"You need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum otherthan the underside of your desk mr Finnigan!" Moody said not even turning around, I tried my best not to laugh as everyone turned to our desk

"Aw no way, that codger can see  out the back of his head" Seamus said, I laughed then moody throw a chalk at us but we ducked  

"So which curse should we see first, WEASLEY!" He yelled "yes" Ron said frightened "stand!" Ron did as he was told  "give as a curse" moody said I turned to Seamus 'bippity boppity boo' we both laughed

"Well my father did tell me about.....the imperious curse" Ron stuttered "ahhh Yes, your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."

He grabbed a spider from the jar and casted a spell making it bigger "imperio"  he said and the spider got under control he start putting it on people making them yell in fear then he put her on my hair but i laughed and he put her on draco making the room filled with laughter.

"Talented isn't she? What shall i have her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself? Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's a rub. How do we sort out the liars?" People shoot their hands up

"longbottom isn't it? Stand" neville did as he was told "there's the um, the cruciatus curse" neville told me what happened to his parents and when he did, he broke down and I was there to comfort him

"Particularly nasty. The torture curse" he said and brought neville to his desk and place the spider down "crucio" he said the spider start screeching in pain neville looked at it disturbed and I couldn't take it anymore

"Stop it! Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him Stop it!" I yelled standing up he turned to me there were tears on my eyes neville left the room. He then  brought the spider to our desk "perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, ms potter" I shook my head repeatedly

"No? Avada kedavra" I flinched as the spider died and memories flew back to my head the night my mom and dad died. My hair turned grey and tears start flowing down my cheeks  "the killing curse. Only two people have been known to survive it. And they're in this room right now" he stares at me as I stand petrified "yeah?" he nodded "Well fuck you" I spat and run out of the room

I walked the stairs as fast as I can and found neville leaning on the wall "nev?" I whispered hugging him "You saw them too?" He said crying I nodded "But it's ok neville we're ok, we'll be fine" we both cried but I wiped his tears away "thanks Jackie" he said hugging me again

I heard harry, ron and hermione talking "jj" harry said pulling me into a hug "harry I saw them, I saw them" I said my voice cracking "its ok jj we're ok" he said rubbing my back. Then moody came and take neville with him for a cup of tea as he said and all four of us walked down the stairs

"Jackie" I turned and saw draco he pull me into a hug "I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to see that" he whispered in my ears "I'm ok draco I'm fine" I said and we all walked together

I walked to the place where Cedric and his friend will be and I spotted him "cedric hey!" I waved and he came to me "Jackie how are you? what are you doing here?" He asked

"Did you put your name yet?" I asked "No but I will later today" he answered "can you put my name too? Please?" I asked "No, jackie are you nuts it's too dangerous" he said just like the others

"I know-" I started fake crying "but today is my birthday and I've always wished for this moment to come and when it does everyone is saying no" I covered my face so he would think I'm really crying

"Oh my god jackie-" he said softly "yeah" I said "Your fake crying isn't gonna work also I know your birthday is July 31" I looked up at him angrily

"Stupid, motherfucking, pumpkin head" I scold and walked away "Jackie wait!" He called "GO DIE IN A DITCH!" I yelled lifting my middle finger up as I did

I sit with hermione inside the room where the goblet of fire was watching as peopel put their names Cedric came and put his name he smiled at me, I flipped him off

Then the twins came running with three vials in their hands everyone cheered for them "thank you, thank you well lads we've done it" George said "cooked it up just this morning, there you go little one" Fred said passing me a vial

"It's not going to work" Hermione sang "oh yeah?" "And why is that granger?" The twins asked

"You see this? this is the age line.  Dumbledore drew it himself" she said "so?" Fred said annoying her "so. A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an aging potion" she snapped

"Coming sis?" They both said to me "no you guys go first" I said "Bloody traitor" they said as they walked to the goblet "ready Fred?" "Ready george?" "Bottoms up" they both drink it and jumped into the line successfully. everyone clapped then they put their names in again everyone clapped

"Come on sis!" They yelled and just as I was about to drink it the flame turned red and blasted them back. They both sit up and looked at themselves in eachother "you said!" "You said!" They broke into a fight, everyone cheering them to fight

I was walking through the corridors when draco pulled me into one of the empty classrooms "what were you thinking!" He whisper yelled "putting my name in" I shrugged "are you crazy?! You could've died!" He said

"Ok I'm sorry. Also I didn't put my name in. it's not fair" I said sitting on the desk and pulled him to me so he was between my legs. He smiled at me

"What?" I stared into his eyes "nothing you're just beautiful" he whispered and pull my lips with his my hair turned purple as we deepen the kiss and start moving in sync  "I love you" he whispered in between the kiss "I love you too" I whisper back.

We broke the kiss and smiled at eachother "promise me you'd be careful if anything happens, Jackie you're the only person I care about right now" he said "I promise" I said kissing him again

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