18. bus ride

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Dear hermione

How are you doing how's mom and dad I hope they're fine and I hope you're fine too. We're doing great here they stop treating us like shit and started giving us a proper food my powers are now back but this time stronger than last time.

I'm still grounded for breaking the window and setting Uncle Vernon's and petunia's bedroom on fire. Harry on the other hand is being a good boy and is doing everything he's asked so that they could sign our permission slip, but they didn't

So last night I decided to prank them by making them see spiders all over their room, it was hilarious. Also draco has been writing to me but I didn't tell harry because he'll be furious, I think he's acting lovey-dovey after the kiss.

The dreams about the black dog and Uncle monny are still haunting me. I also kept having visions in my dreams sometimes while awake.

The scar on my hand is gone now also what did your parents say about you wanting a pet, I wish I could have one too but it's ok we'll share. Ginny also sent me a letter last week saying that she wants to be roommates with her years so it'll be just us.

Say hi to your parents also I bought you a surprise but I'll give you when we get to hogwarts I hope you'll love it. Also I love you

Your bestest friend
Jackie potter

I sat in my room while harry helps petunia with something because aunt Marge is coming. I finished my letter and tied it to sky (my owl) and send her off. Harry and I are getting treated properly also getting proper meals.

But It wasn't out of love it was because they were scared of me or my majic since it's now strong "jj come down here" harry called

I got up quickly and run downstairs the bell rang and harry jerks his head towards it "Well open it" petunia said and harry did. Aunt Marge was standing there with her dog. To be honest I love her dog more than I love her (well I don't love her)

Uncle vernon came to greet her "Uncle Vernon can you sign me these?" Harry asked as he shows him our hogsmade permission slip "what is it?" He asked "school stuff" I said

"Later if you behave" he said my hair started turning red Uncle vernon told me to always wear beanies when guests are around but it's hard to hide my hair since it's waist length long only few centimeters above my butt

"We will if she does" I said aunt Marge turned to me and harry "you two still here" she spat "yes" me and harry said with straight face

She then turned to them and start saying bunch of bullshits about harry he keeps telling me to stay calm but I couldn't my hair turned red "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I yelled

The light start flickering and the table starts shaking as we both glared at her angrily "now you listen here-" she was cut by her finger blowing up like a balloon then her entire body when she was about to fly Uncle vernon catches her though he starts to fly away too so he let her go and she flew away "bye bitch" I waved

Harry and I both went to our room I slammed the door hard and start punching the wall "jj! Jj stop! You idiot stop you're hurting yourself" harry said and hug me "I can't harry I just cant" I said and start packing my bag as he did the same

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