25. a month with hermione

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It's been three weeks since I got here and it's amazing Hermione's parents treat me like their own kid and didn't let me do any work unlike my uncle and aunt

I spent my time by helping Mrs granger in the garden or talking with Mr granger about his work or sometimes making them have fun by making them dancing and singing or owling harry, ron, my brothers or draco I sent remus twice too which he replies or studying with hemrione she also takes me out sometimes and we will walk around the city or go to the cinema or the Café which became my favorite place


Me and hermione sat inside the Café tired after the long walk we had then the waiter came "what can I get you?" He said I turned to hermione with 'help me' look

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Me and hermione sat inside the Café tired after the long walk we had then the waiter came "what can I get you?" He said I turned to hermione with 'help me' look

"Oh, two cappuccinos please and mini cakes" she ordered the waiter nodded and left "What's a mini cake?" I asked "you'll love it" she said and we wait

The waiter came with our order and set it on our table and the smell of the mini cakes filled my nose, watering my mouth I quickly grabbed one and taste it and it taste amazing hermione laughed at me reaction and we ended up ordering another and another

"This is amazing" I said "Hey! Can I have another!?" I called the waiter "no Jackie you'll get a teeth decay" she said "What the hell is that?" I asked "ask father he'll tell you all I know is its not good" she paid and we walked out I jumped on her back and she playfully start running around People stared at us like we were lunatics but who cares right?

We then go to the playground swinging ourselves, sliding the slides, running around like little kids till it gets dark and soon we laid at the grass staring at the stars naming them

"There's leo" I pointed "there's orion" she pointed "there's Pegasus" I pointed "you know if you're gonna end up with draco you're going to name your kids after stars" she said I laughed "we have lots of time to worry about kids and marriage let's have fun for now" I said and she laugh

"Let's make a deal" I sat up "what kind of deal" she asked sitting up "if we don't get married at the age of 40 we'll live together adopting cats" I said she laughed "deal" she said between laughs soon I joined her we fall back again laughing

"That's the silliest deal I've ever had" she said "I know me too" I laughed again then after an hour we got back home

"Mr granger what is teeth decay?" I asked as soon as we opened the door and stepped in "oh kid do you have one?" He asked I shook my head "we went to the Café and I eat a mini cake-" Hermione cuts me off

"Mini cakes you ate a lot" she sat on the sofa "then when I was about to have another she said I'll get a teeth decay" I said

"She's right you know?" He said my eyes widened my hair turned dark green "woah never seen that color before" she joked "you'll get a tooth decay if you eat too much sugar or sweet" he smiled and pull me with him and hermione

End of Flashback

"Your hair is getting longer" Hermione said "I know right? But I'm gonna keep it for a while" I said "its already above your bum so soon it'll reach your thighs" she said and laugh "what's so funny ms granger?" I asked mockingly

"That you plan on staying here for two weeks but now I'm keeping you for a whole month" she said and run to her room I followed her laughing we start tickling eachother and laughing like harry and Ron said I really have a bad influence In her I mean look at her she's become chaotic like me, she starts laughing more often and starts to stop worrying to much about little things but that's the point she's happy that's all that matters

Last day with grangers

We all sat at the kitchen eating breakfast until Fred and george show up to take me to the burrow I was gonna be spending a month with them too

"Oh jackie dear I wish you spend more time with us" Mrs granger said "Me too but my brother spend a month without me but cannot spend another I have to go" I said my hair turned rainbow I was sad, I was nervous, I was happy because I get to see my brother and the twins, I was also stressed

"You have to owl me everyday or I'll f-" we all turned to hermione "or I'll finish your life" that's the stupidest way of using words mione but they smiled "of course I will but you have to reply or the wealseys have a floo powder I'll come and take you with me hope you don't mind dear parents" I smiled her cheeks were red

Then I heard a car horn honking like crazy I quickly run and opened the good to be met with two red head idiots I jumped hugging each of them "how are you sis?" They both asked God, I miss them So much

"I'm fine how are you two" I said "we're fine" George said "what happened to your hair?" I laughed "come on we gotta go I don't have time for your sarcasm" fred laughed "Wait no need to rush first I gotta thank and say goodbye to Mr, Mrs and Ms granger" I said they were already behind me with my trunk Mrs granger has tears in her eyes as I hug her

"Stay safe dear, we have good time with you" she said kissing my cheek "I have a good time too" I turned and hugged Mr granger "take care kid" he said and kiss my forehead "I will" I said and finally I hugged hermione but she couldn't keep her tears away she starts crying on my shoulder

"Woah! Woah! Hey! What's with the tears? Mione I'm only one owl away you can always come to me if you want you know?" I said she let's go and looked at me "I'm gonna miss you" she said "you better owl me" I hugged her again "or I'll finish your life" I whispered in her ear making sure no one heard us she laugh remembering her awkward moment earlier

"We'll say hello again" I said "We'll say hello again" she said we linked our pinkies and kissed our thumb like always

I walked to the twins "care to help me with this shit?" I said pointing at my trunk "yeah,sure" they said as they took it inside the car "ready to go?" They said "if you are" I said getting inside the car

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride" George said as Fred took off "go! Driver!" I yelled as we flew in the air but with invisibility charm I was excited

As we landed I saw harry waiting for me I quickly got out of the car and run into his arms "hey jj" he whispered "hey harry" I whispered back "how are you?" He said as we pulled back my brows frowned "what happened to your hair?" I asked ruffling his hair he smiled smacking my hand away

"IS THAT JACKIE!?" I heard Ron from inside and his footsteps as he run to us he pulled me into a bear hug lifting me and spinning around

"Bloody hell how I miss you" he said "I missed you too" I said and he put me down "Hermione missed you too" I mocked he punch my arm playfully but blushed "oh my god what happened to all the boys and their hairs" I whined as they laugh

"Oh yeah? What about yours it's already reaching your thighs" ginny pulled me for sisterly hug not like the others it's soft after she moved out of our dorm she kept apologizing and her real reason was that she was the reason hermione and the others got petrified but we told her it was Tom's fault so we're cool now

"you need a hair cut" she joked "no!" I run inside "Jackie how lovely to have you back we missed you" molly hug me "I missed you too" I said

The month flew by really fast but this was different when I was with hermione we always take a walk or go to the Café or go to the cinema,

But here? We stayed inside bit it was more chaotic especially when me, Fred and george are together and they were tired of our pranks but that's all we can do since we don't have the whole school to prank

But next week there's something big it's called quidditch world cup and Arthur wanted us all to attend and draco also wrote me saying that he'll be there and that he hopes to see me there too and that he missed me, to be honest I really missed

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