42. co-captains

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"I found these in the muggle store last week and remus told me you love music so I wanna give you" tonks said giving me couple of cassettes. Somewhere only we know, elastic heart, rewrite the stars, there's nothing holding me back, love and war, car's outside, enchanted, kill Bill and couple of rap songs by a muggle called Eminem.

"Oh my god, Dora I love these, thank you" both our hairs turned yellow and we hugged. "Padfoot are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation" we heard mad-eye's voice and pulled away. We saw a black dog running I followed him laughing, harry following behind.

"Sirius, what are you doing here, if some one sees you...." he transformed back to himself after he entered an empty waiting room. I sat beside him. "I had to see you both off, didn't I? Remus got his goodbye" he said "What's life without a risk. Right jackpot?" He said "totally" I smiled. "I want you both to have this" he pulled out a magical moving photo. "The original order of the Phoenix" I said. Recognizing most of the people. "Remus looks hot there" I said. "What about me" Sirius asked. "You look not bad" I smile sarcastically.

"Marlene McKinnon, she died two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family" he pointed at someone else. "Frank and Alice longbottom" "neville's parents" me and harry said. "They suffered a fate worst than death if you ask me" he said.

"It's been 14 years. And still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad" he looked between us. "So you think there's gonna be a war, sirius?" Harry asked "It feels like it did before" he answered. He place the photo in my hands. "You two keep it, I suppose you're the young ones now" I smiled at him and kiss his cheek

We were In a train while harry was telling us about his hearing and about Dumbledore ignoring him.

We all got out of the train. me and draco stayed behind looking for my lost chocolate piece and talk about silly things while the other three left us.

"JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY SISTER PARKINSON!" We heard Harry's voice and ran to him and saw him being held by hermione and Ron.

"Don't listen to her bro, she's a bitch" I said calming him down. We walked to the carriages but they were already gone. "Great" I sighed

"Hey guys" neville said from beside us "her neville" they all said. I moved and hug him. But I saw draco clenching his jaw. "What" I said "nothing" he whsiper

I heard a huff from behind me and turn around and saw a skeleton lookinghorse "what the hell is this?" I said. Harry also turned around and saw it. "What is it?" He asked.

"There's nothing there guys" Hermione said "no mione. It's the thestrals." I pointed "What?" Draco and Ron said

"You're not going mad, I can see them too, you're just as sane as I am" we heard a dreamy voice. And we all turn to her. She was reading a magazine but it was upside down.

We all sat in the carriage with her. Hemrione, harry, ron and her sat on the opposite while I sat between draco and neville. "Why are you sitting next to him you can sit here" draco whispered and  pat the sit next to him.

"I missed my friend" I whispered and grab nevilles hand. Which made him even angrier.

"Everyone this is loony love-" we all turned to hermione and I was holding my laughter "Luna lovegood" she said embarrassed.

"Interesting necklace my the way" I changed the subject. "It's a charm actually, keeps away the nargles" Luna said. "Although you don't need it, you're a charm yourself jackie" I smiled at her.

"Also congratulations potters" she said "for what?" Me and harry asked. "You're now the co-captains for the griffindor quidditch team" she said. my eyes lit up.

"Wait, what?" I said "Luna, it's supposed to be a surprise" Draco said making us all laugh. Then the carriage starts moving.

"what's a nargel?" Neville whispered to me. "No idea" I whispered back. "How's Hanna" I asked. He starts blushing like mad. "She's fine. We're good" he said

We all sat at the griffindor table and catch up with some friends and trying not to snap while watching Seamus giving harry nasty looks. But why is it always harry

Then a woman in pink outfit starts talking. Her voice is really loud and very girly unlike me. Mine is like really deep. I covered my ears as she starts listing bunch of bullshits.

I let go of my ears as she finishes. "What a bunch of bullshit" I said.

After the feast ended draco begged hermione to let me spend the night with him. She agreed and we went to his room.

We stayed cuddling, talking and kissing for what feels like hours then draco pulled me by my waist and sat me on his lap. We stared at eachother. He push my hair behind my ear and kiss me softly. "You're so beautiful" he whispered.

"And you're handsome" I whispered back. Mimicking his action by kissing him. We started kissing and it soon turned to a make out.

And the rest of the night was filled by moans and groans that came out of our mouths as we kept making love to each other.

Me sat next to draco drawing harry in durmstrangs uniform to annoy him later while in dada waiting for the Proffesor, draco holding my other hand under the table. the other students were playing with a paper bird but soon it blew up into a flame we all looked up and saw the professor in all pink outfit

"Good morning children" umbridge said
She points her wand at the board and start writing.  "Ordinary Wizarding  level examinations. O.W.L.s also known as owls" she spoke.

"Study hard and you'll be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences will be, severes" she said as she passed out the books to everyone. I examined the book and it was for beginners but before I ask hermione shot her hand up.

"Yes ms granger" umbridge said. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells" Hermione said "using spells?" She laughed "I can't imagine why you would use spell in my classroom" she said

"What" I whispered. "We're not gonna be using majic?" I asked "you'll be learned about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way" she said.

"What use is that? If we were attacked it wouldn't be risk free" harry said "students will raise their hands before speaking in my class" she said. I scoffed

"It is the view that the ministry theological knowledge will be to get you through your examinations. Which after all is what school is all about" she explained.

"How is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I asked. "There's nothing out there, dear, who'd you imagine want to attack children like yourselves?"  "I don't know maybe voldemort" I said. Everyone looked up at me.

"Now let me make this quite plan. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie." She said.  "It's not a lie. I saw him, I fought him" harry said "detention Mr potter" she smiled

My hair turned red. Draco grab my hand to calm me down. "So According to you Cedric diggory dropped dead on his own accord?" He said. "Cedric diggory death was a tragic accident. No one else was there when it happened to prove you're right"

"I was there!" I snapped. Everyone turn to me once again. "Oh? Well tell us how it happened lady potter" she said.

"You see this?" I lifted my sleeve to show her the scar wormtail gave me that night "this is what happened. You need another prove? Give me your hand and I'll show you, if you stop being a stuck up bitch" I said

"SHUT UP!" She yelled "NO, YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled slamming the desk making a hole on it. "Detention for you too, lady potter" she said. I stuck my middle finger at her. Draco quickly shaped it away.

"Are you kidding me?" He whisper yelled. "You've got yourself a Detention. you want a suspension for this?" He said but I didn't reply.

"I swear she's gonna do something bad to me, I can feel it" I whispered. Draco intertwined our fingers.

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