13. fiesty

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I wear my outfit didn't bother to put my robes just had it in my hands we stand infront of large fire place "Ok harry you first" molly said we both looked at her confused except the wealseys

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I wear my outfit didn't bother to put my robes just had it in my hands we stand infront of large fire place "Ok harry you first" molly said we both looked at her confused except the wealseys

"But mom harry and Jackie never traveled by floo powder before" Ron said "floo powder?" We questioned

"Then why don't you go first and show them" she said Ron took the powder in his hands and said "diagon alley" then with a green light he disappeared

"Woah that's so cool me next" I moved forward but harry cut me off "no let me jj please" he said and take the powder and stand I was standing next to the twins "he's gonna say something wrong" I said "10 galleons" they both said

"Now make sure to speak very very clearly" molly said "diagenally" harry said and disappeared the twins put the money in my hand

"What did he say dear" molly asked "diagenally" I answered and moved inside "see you on the other side- diagon alley" I said and found myself in flourish and blott

"Jackie!" I turned to see Ron we both went inside and moments later we found harry with hermione "jackie" she said pulling me into a tight hug "mione" I said hugging her back

"Why haven't you answered my letters" she asked "that's the question you'll have to wait for me to answer" I replied "Come on my parents wanna meet you" she pulled me

"Mom, dad this is jackie" she said they both smiled and shook my hand "Mr and Mrs granger it's so good to finally meet you hermione tells me a lot about you and I assume you heard things about me too" i said happily

"Jackie the pleasure is ours and yes hermione wouldn't stop talking about you also we wanna thank you for keeping her company" Mr granger said

"Of course what are bestfriends for" I said "you're right well it was nice meeting you jackie we'll leave you two be" Mrs granger said and they left

"They're awsome" I said "and you're awsome" she said and pull me towards the crowd

Draco's pov

I was wondering around the store when I see her and for some kind of reason I felt happy to see her again. She was meeting the grangers and she looks so happy about it. Merlin how I missed that smile and laugh. Also the grangers looked happy to meet her too I mean who wouldn't wanna meet her she's a light in the darkness that could light anything up, and she's the moon in the sky who light the stars

"There he is!" I got out of my day dreaming and turned to see lockhart of course everyone was drooling over him but she looks at him like he was just ordinary person

Jackie's pov

I always hate the fact that I'm the girl who lived why can't I be just jackie ordinary person like hermione or Ron now even lovkharts was all over us

"These can't be harry and Jackie potter" he said Then the photographer pulled us both and we stand next to lockhart the camera man snapped some pictures of us I was about to go back to hermione but he pulled my hand and put lots of books in my hand saying that I'll get it for free

Luckily molly took the books from us saying that she'll get them signed by him I found harry and we walked through the crowd with ginny

"bet you love that didn't you potter famous harry potter can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page" Draco came out of nowhere I was about to say something but ginny beat me "leave him alone" "oh look potter you got yourself a girlfriend" he mocked a snake design thing come in contact with his shoulder

"Now now Draco play nicely Mr and Ms potter, lucius malfoy" he said extending his hand harry shook it he pulled him and moved Harry's hair to take a look at his scar

"forgive me your scars are legendary" he said and extended his hand towards me I just looked at him studying him he somehow looks like trouble but I ended up shaking it he pulled me like harry and moved his cane to my neck but before he touches me it flew away from him

"Keep that to yourself hm?" I said coldly "wow Feisty just like you said draco" he said I kept giving him a death glare

"Your scars are legendary yes of course it's the wizard who gave it to you" he repeated "voldemort killed our parents" "he was nothing more than a murderer" me and harry said

"You must be very brave to mention his name or really foolish" he joked "fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing it's self" Hermione said I smiled at her

"And you must be ms granger Draco told me all about you and your parents" Hermione turned to see her parents "muggles aren't they" he said

I scoffed "no wonder where Draco got his attitude" I said he turned to me angrily "Excuse me" he said "you're excused" I joked making all of them laugh except himself even Draco smiled

Lucius gives me a death glare and turned to the wealseys "let's see red hair and veagant expressions and second hand book you must be the weasleys" he said God I already hate that man I felt my hair turning red

"Um I'm gonna go somewhere because if I stay here I don't think this dude will stay alive" I said to the twins and walk away

"10:58 come on come on" Arthur said we were late and we were running "Fred, George, percy you first" he said and the three run through the wall then Arthur and molly

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"10:58 come on come on" Arthur said we were late and we were running "Fred, George, percy you first" he said and the three run through the wall then Arthur and molly. Me, harry and Ron were left alone

"Let's go" harry said and and run through the wall Ron behind him but instead of passing they crashed to the wall which made me burst out laughing

"Hey what do you think you're doing" the man said "sorry we just lost control of out trunk" harry replied

"Why can't we get through" I asked wiping the tears in my eyes that came from laughing "I don't know the gateway sealed itself for some reason" Ron said

"We missed the train" harry said "guys if we can't get through maybe mom and dad can't get back" Ron said

"Maybe we should go and wait by the car" harry said Ron turned to us "the car" he whispers

We got in the car and we flew away I decided to talk to hermione through her mind

'Hermione hey'

'Jackie where are you you missed the train'

'We couldn't get through the gateway'


'We don't know but hey buy me candy and chocolates or else I'll murder you'

'Don't worry I already did'

'Ok I love you'

'Love you too'

Then I don't know how it happened but I fall asleep to have the weirdest dream I've ever seen in my entire life

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