36. third task

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We all put on our outfits and walked to our friends before the game begins.

"Jackie dear!" I heard Molly and Arthur and I run to them "how are you" they both pulled me into a hug

"I'm great" I said then they hug Harry. Soon we start saying goddbyes to our friends as if we'll never see eachother again

"jj when we get there give me a sign so we'll find eachother" he said after he pulled me aside "I will" I said

I hug draco "you be careful" he said "can't make any promises, but draco..." I stoped and looked him in the eyes "What's bothering you love?" His hands still around my waist

"Something feels off, I don't feel good about this" I said "everything will be fine babe. Just be careful and I love you" he said pecked on my lips "I love you too" I said

"Be careful and don't do anything stupid ok?" Hermione pulled me into a hug "can't make any promises can I?" We both laughed "I love you idiot" she said "I love you too" I said as we pulled away we linked our pinkies and kissed our thumb then I turned to the twins

"Be careful sis. We love you" they kissed my cheeks "I love you too" I kissed their cheeks. Then I was pulled by other three people neville, Dean and Seamus. They all have a 'j' and 'h' on each of their cheeks and a 'potter' on their forehead

"Be careful, we know you'll win but be careful" Seamus said "I'll try" I said hugging them back and turned to leave "oh and jackie" dean called

"yeah?" I turned around to face them "we love you" neville said for some reason they were all scared as I was and has a little bit of tears in their eyes "I love you guys too" I smiled and left

All the champions walk to the crowds infront of the maze with their family members and me and harry walked hand in hand

"You okay jj?" He asked "yeah" I said but was really scared my hair was turning white out of fear "me too" he whispered I half smile and nudged me softly.

"Earlier today professor moody placed the tri-wizard cup deep within the maze only he knows the exact position...now as lady potter..." almost all the people clapped and cheered

"Will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr potter and Mr diggory" the crowd clapped again "followed by Mr Krum and Ms delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner" Dumbledore announced

He kept explaining the rules I listen to him but my mind was somewhere else.

He gathered us around and continued to warn us about what will happen while we're in there.

"Champions prepare yourselves" he said We all stand infront of each entrance. I took a deep breath and turned to look at my friends hermione was with tears in her eyes she smiled and signed me and I signed back and smile

"On the count of three" Dumbledore starts "ONE...." the cannon went off. I took a deep breath and get inside the maze. It closed behind me then I started making my way.

I whistled looking for harry after a while I heard a whistle back, then a song

'So take it all' I heard Harry's voice

'So take it all?' I sang running to the direction I heard the voice

'The city's yours'

'The city's mine?'

'It's worth fighting for'

'It's worth fighting for?'

'It's all mine'

'It's all mine?'

I saw harry and run to him and shared a tight hug "Come on" we locked hands as we run inside the maze looking for the cup.

We run through the maze and it starts closing in on us. "Run!" We sprinted through the maze. We saw fleur consumed by the maze. Harry pulled out his wand and send sparks

The maze starts closing in on again and we run. We saw a blue light and run to it then Victor start shooting spells at us. "Get down!" Cedirc said. Victor shot another spell but I blocked it

"Expeliarmus!" Cedric shout and disarm Victor. He went to Victor who was now laid on the ground and kicked his wand away and pointed his own at him to finish him

"No!" Harry yelled "stop Cedirc! his bewitched!" I said. We all start running to the cup. But Cedric was pulled back by the viens "Jackie!" I saw him getting pulled away. I run back to him pointing my wand

"Reducto!" I said and the veins let go off cedirc I pulled him up and dust him off. "Thanks" he said kissing my cheek "uh, don't mention it" I said "Come on" we run to the cup again. The Wind starts blowing heavily.

"Go on take it!" Cedric said "you save me take it!" He insisted "together!" Me and harry said in unison. He nodded and we all touched the cup together. Then we teleported into some graveyard. Tom riddles graveyard.

"You ok jj?" Harry asked "yeah, I'm fine" I said getting up "Jackie, harry. it's a portkey the cup is a portkey" cedric said
"where are we?" Cedric asked then I remembered

"Harry we've been here before" I said "what?" Cedric questioned "yeah, we've been here before, in our dream" harry said.

"Cedric get back to the cup" we both said "what are you talking about?" Cedirc asked. Then me and harry felt a sharp pain on our scars and screamed making the fire infront of us lit up "what is it?" Cedric asked

"Get back to the cup!" We both shouted. Then wormtail came out with a small man in his hands. "Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric said "Kill the spare" the small man said.

"Avada kedavra!" Wormtail shot a spell at Cedric and killed him "NO! CEDRIC!" We screamed. But it was too late he's dead. Me and harry locked our hands my hair has three colors right now. Grey, white and dark blue.

Wormtail pointed his wand at us and trapped us to a statue. "Do it now!" He dropped the man into the cauldron.

"Bones of the father, unwillingly given. Flesh of the servant unwillingly sacrificed" he said and chopped his hand off. Me and harry looked at the show still locking our hands.

"Blood of the enemy forcibly taken" he said and cut Harry's sleeves "STOP!" I yelled he turned to me and cut mine like he did to Harry's "NO!" Harry yelled.

He dropped our blood into the cauldron "the dragon lord, shall rise, again" he finished.

the cauldron bursted into flames and a reformed voldemort emerged

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