31. first task

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We all walked into the tent and fleur gave me my out fit it was just like Harry's but it was cool.

hermione and ginny did my hair saying that it'll distract me but i found it cool

"Come on harry! Loosen up a bit" I said dancing around him pulling him with me but he was stressed "psst!" I heard "psst!" I went up to it and opened it slightly "Jackie is that you?" Draco whispered

"Yeah" I whispered back "are you nervous?" He asked "a little" I said "the key is to concentrate ok? After that you just have to..." "battle the dragon" I said

Draco rushed into the tent and pull me for a passionate kiss wrapping his arms around my waist we heard a snap and turn to see Rita has taken a picture of us "oh this looks better on the front page" she squealed and take a picture of hermione and harry hug

"You have no business here! This tent is for champions and friends victor said she turned and left. "You should go too you know" I said "I love you don't forget that" he whispered kissing me softly "I love you too" I smile and he left

Dumbledore entered the tent "good day champions gather around please, now you've waited you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only five of you can fully appreciate" he spoke. I stood beside harry "barty the bag" "champions circle around me, ms delacour over here-" he circled us around

Each of us got a dragon I slip my hand into the bag and grab one "Norwegian Ridgeback" barty said and explained what we will do and Cedric was called

I was the last one and it was terrifying I heard my name and I walked outside almost all the students cheered for me I looked around to see if the dragon is there, then something jumped behind me

I turned and saw the dragon but it looks so familiar he growled at me I stared at it for a while and run to a hug rock standing on the top of it "Jackie get down!" I heard hermione but I stayed still waving at the dragon. It run to me and spit fire the crowd went crazy, i reach my hands out and a purple shield guarded me

Then I saw the little yellow under its neck "norbert?" I said not seeing its tail was coming towards me then I was thrown to the ground my blood boiled, my hair turned red "piece of shit" I whispered walking back to where he was reaching my hands out throwing it away

I run to the egg and was about to grab it but the dragon came back to me I stumbled backwards till I was at the edge. I closed my eyes as it opens its mouth to spit fire then my eyes opened again but this time turned purple it closes its mouth. I heard everyone gasp

"Norbert it's me" I whispered he leaned close to me but then he backed away again opening his mouth I looked at the chain that was around his neck I got the egg and grabbed the chain before he got up

I rolled over and sat on his back putting my hand on his head showing him our memories together before he was sent away in first year

He wiggles trying to drop me but I stay still everyone clapped and yelled as I control him then he flew away along with me so i connected our minds

'Norbert it's jackie'

'Jackie? I don't know a jackie'

'Norbert three years ago Hagrid got you here and we were there when you got out of the egg and I was petting you'

After a while he remembers me

'Jackie potter it's so good to see you'

'It's so good to see you too buddy'

'Now let's get back shall we?' I laugh

'We shall'

We flew above hermione and I throw the egg to her as we took off. We flew around hogwarts "YEAH! WOO-HOO! I DID IT!" I yelled happily as we fly away

After a moment we got down safely and I got off him 'thank you norbert'

'Anytime' He said and got to his cage and I walked back to my friends as they yell and chant my name over and over again draco pulled me right away and kissed me which the sudden action me laugh

"You did amazing, you were incredible" he said "thanks" I said hugging him hermione then crushed into me "oh God you're amazing and crazy and stupid and lovable person I've ever met Jackie I love you" she said holding me tight "I love you too" I laughed all my friends hug me then Ron was left he literally squeezed the air inside my lungs out

"Bloody hell jackie, you were amazing out there you're okay right?" He cupped my cheeks checking my face "I'm fine" I said

We walked into our common room "I did it! I rode a dragon! Can you believe it?! And it was norbert!" I yelled happily

"Who's norbert?" Everyone except harry and hermione asked "The dragon we saw in first year it took me a while to make him remember me again" I explained

"What was that thing with your eyes" dean asked "she's a charmer" harry and hermione answered "oh God she's full of surprises" he said

We were In the common room partying, I invited draco which he gladly expected

We held the egg high for everyone to see and touch Fred picked me up while George pick harry and placed us on their shoulders.

"Knew you wouldn't die potters"
"Lose a leg"
"Or an arm"
"Pack of all together, NEVER!"

"SHUT UP!" Seamus silenced the crowd "go on guys what's the clue!" He kissed the eggs before passing them to us

"Who wants us to open it?" Harry said proudly, the crowd go wild "do you want us to open it?" He said again the crowd went wild

We unscrewed the top part of the golden egg and or shined a very bright yellow light and let out a terrifying screech everyone hurdled up covering their ears, even the paintings. We quickly close the egg making the sound go away.

"What the Bloody hell was that?" Ron said coming towards harry and I and everyone's attention fell on him

"Alright everyone let's give them some space" George said and everyone went to what they were doing and draco pulled me out of the common room "be safe!" Angelina yelled I flipped her off as we run out of their

We got to his dorm and laid and the bed. "Jackie?" He asked "hm?" I mumbled "I love you" he said "I love you too" he then rolled over me so he was on top

He connected our lips together. It was soft at first but it got really intense as we make out.

Before draco, I've never felt this way for anyone and to be honest i fell in love with him the first time I saw him even though he manipulate my friends he's the only guy that makes my heart beat faster, make me blush, make me feel good and loved, he was the one who calm me down when I was angry with hermione and was there for me till I became myself and for for I'll always be thankful for him and I'll love him no matter what.

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