58. Christmas party

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Draco asked me to be his date for the Christmas party slughorn was hosting

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Draco asked me to be his date for the Christmas party slughorn was hosting. But he was late.

Me, harry and Luna walk together to the party and she left to talk with her friend me and harry took a picture with slughorn and stand alone.

"Drink?" We heard a voice. We both turned around and see neville in a cool white suit holding a tray with glasses of champagne. "Nev, what are you doing?" I asked. "I didn't get invited. Its okay though, he's got belby handing out towels in the loo. I smiled and took two glasses of champagne then down each.

"That's enough" harry grab the glasses and put them on neville's tray who has been watching me dumbfounded. "I want more" I whined but he pushed me away.

We saw hermione scurry behind the curtains and followed her. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I asked. "I've just escaped, I mean left cormac under the mistletoe" she said fixing her hair.

"Cormac?!" "That's who you invited?" Me and harry asked. "I figured it would annoy ron most" she said. I giggled like crazy. "Is she drunk?" She asked harry who nodded. "No, Don't tell anyone" I whispered and wink at her.

"Dragon tartar?" A guy said holding a tray poking his head behind the curtain. "Dude get out were making out" I joked. "Guess You don't need it, they give one horribly bad breath" Hermione grab the tray from him. "On second thought, might keep cormac at bay" she starts eating. "Oh God here he comes" she said as cormac made his way towards us.

She escaped leaving me and harry to deal with him. "I think she just went to powder her nose" harry lied. "No, she left to put some lipstick on" I lied and smiled. "Slippery little minx, your friend" cormac said.

"Yeah" me and harry said. "Yeah" he starts eating the dragon balls. "What is this I'm eating by the way?" He asked. "Dragon balls" we answered holding our laughter. Snape came in. cormac threw up on Snape's shoes making me burst into laughter.

"You've just brought yourself a month's detention, mclaggen" me and harry tried to walk away. "Not so fast potters" he said. My hair turned orange as we stand still.

"I've came to convey a message" he said. I gave him a glare and turn to harry. "I'm gonna go find my bestfriend, you can deal with that bullshit" I said to harry. "I'm talking to you too lady potter stay here" I was even more angry. He hasn't called me potter since first year. "And I'm done talking" I give him a fake smile and left.

My blood is boiling. I found a guy with tray of champagne and took glass after glass. Then I saw draco getting pulled by filch. "Let go of him, you can't just get here and humiliate him like that, slughorn invited him here, he's a member of this club" I said. Filch looked at slughorn who nodded. Then he let go of draco.

Draco made his way towards me smiling but got pulled by Snape. I flip him off when he looked at me before leaving.

Soon everyone starts leaving. I sat on one of the chairs and drink.  Now everything I see is double. I smiled at the view. "Hello, jackie" I heard a dreamy voice. "Luna? Hey" I said as she sat beside me.

"You look so tired, do you want me to call your friends?" She asked. "Aren't you my friend?" I asked ignoring her question. "You are, but I meant harry or hermione" I smiled at her. "They've already left. But I think neville's here" I said. She went to get neville.

"Jackie, oh my god! you look-" "like shit I know. Can you give me a piggyback ride to my room? I'll get you some chocolate frog tomorrow I promise" he smiled at me and take me to my room.
He placed me on my bed and left.



'He's near isn't he?'  'Fenrir?'

'Keep it like the dark mark bitch!'

I gasped awake. I looked at the mirror and saw it was almost morning. I walked to the bathroom to get ready and shower since we'll be leaving in about 3 hours.

Me and hermione go to the trolley to get some chocolate for remus before we got back. Blaise gave me the bet money as promised, and I used it to buy the chocolates.

"And then....he threw up on his shoes.... and he gave him a month Detention" I said between my laughs. She laughs a little bur but our laughter soon turned into a frown when we saw a R + L in a heart, on the glass of the door.

Hermione glared at ron and left. My hair turned brown and I wiped it with a sleeve of my sweater and left to find hermione. I found her going to the bathroom and pulled her away.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked. "I wanna be alone jackie" she said. "Well not anymore" I pulled her with me. "Where are we going?" She asked. "You'll see" I said and we run to the end of the train. It has only a big box inside and has no roof.

I moved the box towards us and stand on top of it, pulling her with me. "What are you doing" she stands next to me. scared and uncomfortable. "Trust me" I laughed and stretched our hands out like a bird as the cool air made our hair fly around. She soon got comfortable and I let go of her and backed away a little. Watching her as she happily yell and laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you" she hug me tight. "I'm gonna miss you too" I said. She was going to stay with her parents this Christmas. We pulled away and look through our bags  before grabbing presents. "Here" we both said at the same time and laugh. We both exchanged our gifts and tell eachother to not open it until Christmas evening. We hugged one last time and I went to find my brother and Ron.

(What jackie got for hermione)

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(What jackie got for hermione)

You'll find out what hermione got jackie in the next chapter.

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