29. champions

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We all sat in the hall draco sat with me, and the rest of the griffindors "sit down please. Now the moment you've all been waiting for, champions selection" Dumbledore announced

The goblet came though the room and the flame turned red and a piece of paper came out

"The durmstrangs champion is....Victor Krum" people cheered and Victor was taken to the room. The flame turned red again and a paper came out again

"The champion from beauxbatons is.... fleur delacour" she was taken to the room like Victor

A paper came out again "The hogwarts champion.....Cedric diggory" and he was taken to the room

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down In history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory the tri-wizarding cup!"

Everyone cheered but the flame turned red again everyone looked confused then two papers came out Dumbledore catch them and mumbled something to himself "harry and Jackie potter!" He yelled angrily

I got up still shocked but harry stayed still draco pulled me to sit "Draco don't make it harder" I whispered "HARRY AND JACKIE POTTER!" We both walked hand in hand. my hair turned rainbow as we walk Dumbledore gave us the papers and we walked to the room the others were taken hearing people scolding harry and not me

"Did you do it?" We both asked each other "no!" We both answered again "I believe you" harry whispered as we entered the room the three champions looked at us confused

"Jackie? What are you doing here?" Cedric asked "what do you think?" I said annoyed then we heard noises coming from behind. Dumbledore busted through the door and pulled us aside "harry and Jackie did you put your name in the goblet of fire?!" He aksed

"No sir" we said "did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?" "I tried to but they said no" I pointed to the three champions

I zoned out as they yelled at eachother. I stand their thinking about what will happen next. And part of me tells me something bad is about to happen and it's not just and like bad that will change our lives

I got out of my trance when I heard barty say "The Potters have no choice, they are as of tonight....tri-wizards champions"

We walked to our common room still holding hands and when we got inside everyone was staring at us. I went to our dorm and changed into my pjamas hermione glared at me "what? Did I do something wrong?" I asked "I can't believe you" she said and left leaving me their standing in shock

For the first time in my life I felt lonely, in the exact same time I didn't wanna be but she left I locked the door and casted a spell so no one will enter. I laid flat on my bed like a star fish then I put my headphones on and played the music that I always listen when I feel lonely and sad 'train wreck'

Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
But I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? Should I pray, yeah
To myself? to a God?
To a savior who can

Unbreak the broken
Unsay the spoken words
Find hope in a hopeless
Pull me out the train wreck

Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reaction
I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, Pull me out, pull me out, ah
Pull me out, Pull me out

the Other Potter (draco malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now