43. umbitch

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Me and harry walk to detention holding hands. We knocked and got in. Umbitch was waiting for us drinking coffee. I look around the room, it's all pink and it make me gag. She glared at me

"Sorry, I'm alergic to pink" I smiled her. "You'll be writing me lines. Potter, you'll write 'I must not tell lies' and lady potter I want you to write me 'I must not use curse words'" we went to grab our pens

"No you don't need to" she grab two quills and gave us. As soon as I touch the quill I saw the words on our hands. "What if we don't wanna use it?" I asked my hair turned red.

"And why is that, lady potter?" She asked. "I don't usually use quills I use pens" I said but she smiles. Damn that evil like smile. "But you will today" I grab the quill and turn to harry

"The sooner we did it the better" I said and start writing as fast as I could, ignoring the pain I'm feeling on my hand. Harry was starting to grunt. "It's ok brother" I said in his mind. Soon the words started to show up on our hands. My hair is fuming red by now.

We got out of the office. "Give me your hand" I said harry shakes his head "GIVE ME YOUR HAND GODDAMMIT!" He gave me his hand. Purple light came out of my hand and start healing his wound.

"What about you?" He asked. I grab his hand and put it on mine then I put my other hand on his closing my eyes. The purple lights came out of both our hands and start healing my wound. We then smiled at eachother and walk to our friends hand in hand.

Me and draco sat with hermione, Ron and ginny while me and Ron stuffed out faces inside the food. "Do you two ever stop eating?" Hermione said disgusted. "Well, I'm hungry" Ron said I just kept eating.

"Harry..." I said when I saw harry approaching us. "Can I sit with you?" He asked we smiled but then we heard an argument. It was umbridge and Mc. I didn't wanna hear their argument, draco must've noticed that he pulled me with him outside.

Me and ron were playing chess while harry and hermione were talking
"Oh come on Ron let me pass this one at least!" I groan as he wins for the fifth time. "You know what I'm gonna win this one" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Harry, jackpot" sirius's face appeared above the fire place. Me and harry quickly kneeled infront of him. I moved my hand trying to touch his face but I burnt myself. "Ouch!" I squealed

"You said, you were worried about umbridge. What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?" He asked. "Sirius she's not letting us use majic at all" harry said

"Well I'm not surprised, Latest intelligence is that fudge doesn't want you to train in combat. He thinks Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry. The others wouldn't want me telling you this kids. But things aren't going all well with the order. Fudge is breaking the truth of his return and these disappearances, is just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move."

"What can we do?" Me and harry asked "someone is coming. I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a help but for now at least. It looks like you're on your on" he said and disappeared into the fire.

"He really is out there isn't he?" Hermione stands by the window. "We got to be able to defend ourselves. If umbridge refuses to teach us how, We need to find someone else who will" we all turned to harry.

 If umbridge refuses to teach us how, We need to find someone else who will" we all turned to harry

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after deciding to meet eachother at hog's head, I decided to go to hogsmade before going there. I put my headphones on as I start dancing around while walking to hog's head. We all decided to not tell draco about it and for some reason everyone agrees.

Then my favorite song 'bumpy ride' which made me crazy

Harry's pov

We all sat inside hog's head waiting for jj to arrive. Then we all heard someone singing crazily.

'I'm gonna pull you over pull you under make your body surrender to mine
Girl you can make me suffer go whatever cause I know your one of a kind
Tell me who can love you, nobody
Hold you, nobody
Make your body whine like me you'll never find someone like me...'

Everyone start laughing

End of pov

I kept singing till I reach the door 'It's gonna be a bumpy ri-" I kicked the door by my butt then got inside '-de'

I looked at everyone, they were staring at me holding their laughter "sorry I'm late professor" I took my headphones off and sat next to the twins. Harry sighed annoyed and put his hand over his face embarrassed.

"Hi, so we all know why we're here, we need a teacher. A proper, teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves from the dark arts" Hermione explained  "Why" a kid asked

"Why? Because you-know-who's back you tosspot" Ron spat "so he says" he said "So Dumbledore says" Hermione spat at him back "so Dumbledore says because he says. The point is where's the proof?" He asked

"Potters could tell us more about how Cedric diggory got killed" a boy said. Harry starts getting uncomfortable he starts arguing with hermione saying that he's leaving.

"Is it true you two can produce the patronus charm?" Luna asked "yeah, is it true?" I joked. "Shut the Bloody hell up Jackie you know the answer" Ron got annoyed
Making me laugh. "What, I just asked a question" I said

"Yes, I've seen it. Actually Jackie has two patronus" Hermione answered then everyone turned to me. "Blimey jackie, I didn't know you could do that" dean said

"And they killed the basilisk in the chamber of secrets saving my life" ginny said "and in third year, they fought hundreds of dementors at once" Ron said "and last year, they really did fight you-know-who in the flesh" hermione added.

"He really slaps like a bitch" I rub my cheek where he slap me. "Wait, look it all sounds really great when you say it like that. But the truth is, most of it was just a luck. I didn't know what I was doing and I nearly always had help" I was done with all this talk.

"If you don't believe us, i can show you what happened last year. But i don't think it's necessary. So are you in or are you out?" I raised my voice.  Everyone smiled at me and the twins pulled me into a hug.

Soon everyone starts putting their names on the parchment. And i get to put my name first.

"Alright first we need to find a place to practice where umbridge won't find out" Harry said as we walk around the castle looking for a place. "The shrieking shack" ginny suggested

"Too small" I said "the forbidden forest" Hermione said "no bloody way" Ron scoffed. "Guys what happens if umbridge finds out" ginnt asked

"Who cares? I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules" Hermione pulled me with her. "This is what will happen when you hang around Jackie all the time" Ron said. We all laugh.

"Anyway, atleast we know one positive thing that came from today-" hermione said "What's that?" Harry asked. "CHO CHANG CANT KEEP HER EYES OFF YOU HAROLD!" I yelled and run holding hands with hermione laughing.

"Are you ok with not letting draco in?" She asked as we were separated from the others "yeah, for some reason I found it alright" I smiled at her.

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