38. memorial

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It's been few weeks since Cedric died and voldemort has returned. And those weeks I managed to put everything together and push aside the grief.

My friends never left my sides ever since, draco was still in argument with his father about dating me. and harry told me what happened after moody pull him out of the crowd. And that I'm voldemort's special target.

As my friends predicted I won, considering I got out of the maze with the cup in my hand and I received 1000 galleons. And it was time to do what I wanted to do like I said.

We all sat at the great hall for a memorial for Cedric. The hall was dark, empty and there were black hufflepuff flags above us. Dumbledore sat in front of everyone.

"Today we acknowledged a very terrible loss" I sat between hermione and harry while draco was beside harry and Ron beside hermione.

"Cedric diggory was as you all know, expectaionally hard workiny, intricately fair minded. And most importantly fierce, fierce friend" I start tearing up and swallowed hard. Both hermione and harry tight their hugs on my shoulders.

"I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died" he looked at me and harry. "You see, Cedric diggory was murdered! by lord voldemort" gasps and choked tears filled the room. I wipe my tears away.

"The ministry of majic does not wish me to tell you this, but not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us while we came from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one in light of recent events the bounds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that" I buried my face in Hermione's neck she starts running her hand in my hair
"And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brace and true right to the very end"

As soon as the assembly is done I run to my room and start packing then I pulled a sack full of the galleons I won infront of me "FREDERICK! GEORGE!" I called and few seconds later I heard foot steps coming and my door bursted open

"What is it?" "are you ok?" "Are you hurt?" I laughed and pulled them to sit on my bed

"Sis?" They both said "remember when you asked me what I would do if I win the tournament?" They nodded

"And do you remember I said I'll do something big?" They nodded again confused

"So...FIRST OF ALL I DON'T WANT YOU TO SAY ANYTHING!" I yelled. "What is it you're really confusing?" Fred said

"I want you to take this thing away from me" I kicked the sack a little towards them "where? Downstairs?" They asked I sighed and my Hair turned orange

"I want you to take it you idiots. I want you to open your dream joke shop with it. I mean it's not that much but at least it'll help you get a start" I said. their eyes widened but they shake their heads

"No, no sis we're not taking that" George said "little one, it'll help you get a start when you finish hogwarts and-"

"SHUT UP!" they both shut up. "I still have threw years to get out of hogwarts and start a life. But now this is not important to me. So please, do me a favor and take it, please" I said. They both hug me

"We don't know how to thank you sis" they whispered. "Then don't" I laughed "we love you" they said "I love you too" we pulled away "Ok get out of my room now" I pushed them out with the sack in their hands

I walked out of the room with my bag "so did you...?" Hermione asked. And I nodded and pulled her into a hug "I'm so proud of you" she said  "Me too" we turned around and saw draco he pulled me into a deep kiss.

"Jackie?" Ron said. I pulled away from Draco and turn to him. "Did you?" He asked "Did what?" I joked and hug him "Don't say a fucking word you idiot" I whispered into his ear. "Thank you" he whispered back.

I stand with hermione, Angelina, cho and daniella talking and saying goodbye when Angelina tried to make me uncomfortable "I was traumatized when I saw Jackie and draco making out on the corridors" she laughs, I smiled

"Like I didn't walk in on you and fred" I laughed with the others as she blushes "right-" I was cut off by a voice

"Hermione, this is for you, promise me you'll write" Victor give hermione a small paper. "I will" she said

"Jackline" he turned to me "it's jackie" I whined. he pulled me into a hug "looks like you were right, you won" he said putting a small bag in my hands

"What's this?" I said "you've won the bet" he said and left, leaving me there with my mouth open

"The bet?" Daniella asked "we bet on who's gonna win" I said and left to find my brother but found fleur on my way

"au revoir jackie" she kissed both my cheeks "au revoir futur weasley" I didn't know why I said that but for some reason I saw her future. She smiled and left with her sister.

I looked around for harry and spotted him with draco laughing. "Hey dudes" I said standing between them and watch as the durmstrangs left on their boat.

Ron and hermione came soon after. "Do you ever think we'll have a quite year at hogwarts?" Ron said "not really" me and harry said

"Everything's gonna change now isn't it" Hermione said sadly

"Yeah, but we have eachother" I smiled at all of them "could she get anymore lovable?" Draco said smiling at me "I don't think so" they all said at once making me laugh

"Promise you'll write this summer, all of you, even you draco" Hermione said as we see the beauxbatons leave

"I won't you know I won't" Ron said

"Harry and Jackie will won't you?" She turned to us "yeah" I said "everyweek" harry finished "me too" Draco said and we all stand there watching as everything went back to where it was except, some thing wouldn't be back to where it was.

But it feels good to be with friends and family.


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