26. the world cup

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"Harry we've been here before!" I heard my voice echo as we looked around the graveyard

I saw a tom riddle grave

"She only sings it when she's sad and don't wanna be alone what did you do!" I heard harry

"Avada kedavra!" I heard another voice

"Sweety let go, Jackie let go!" I heard a sweet voice

"Don't turn your back on me lady potter come out and play like you always wanted to!" I heard a voice


"Jackie! Jackie!" I heard a voice "what" I said not opening my eyes "wake up you idiot" I heard hermione I opened my eyes to see where she stood and I wrapped my arms around her and close my eyes again "wake up jackie" she warned

"Please I only fall asleep now" I whined laying on the bed again "I got mini cake" I jolted up "where is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes "downstairs" she laughed, I run downstairs as fast as I could

"Good morning Jackie dear" molly said "morning molly where's my mini cake?" I asked looking for it with my tired eyes "your what dear?" She questioned then I spotted it "this" I opened the box and I actually found five "here try it it's so amazing" I pushed one to her lips she looked at me hesitantly

"Nothings in it I swear try it" I laughed and she took a bite, her eyes widened "see? This is what I told you about" I sat down at the table eating the rest "you already eat it!?" I heard hermione from my back "what did you expect then ms hermione?" I said In a fake posh accent which made her laugh

"hurry up Jackie get changed we'll be  leaving soon!" I heard hermione yelling from downstairs as I change into my outfit

"hurry up Jackie get changed we'll be  leaving soon!" I heard hermione yelling from downstairs as I change into my outfit

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(Her outfit and hair)

We all walked out the burrow me and Ron were still yawning, last night we were talking and laughing while harry was asleep. Harry hold my hands as we walk

We soon met Amos and his son Cedric, me and Cedric met when I got into a fight with a hufflepuff boy, I was about to puch the boy when he got on my way and I punched him instead and since that day he is my friend he always says that he loves me his little sister "hey cedric" I said as we hugged "how are you little girl" he said as we pulled away 

We walked together "have you heard about mini cakes? They're like 2 inches and they have creams its amazing!" I kept talking about the cakes and he just smiles at me "Never heard of it" he said

"and I ate a lot Hermione's father said I'll get a teeth decay if I didn't stop eating it isn't that horrible" he laughed harder this time "Jackie that's personal" he said "oh is it I never shut my mouth do I? Anyways I'm done now you, how the girlfriend?" He blushed

"She's fine she's huge fan of you, you know?" He said "I know I'm huge fan of me too" I said

we  reached at the top of the hill and found an old boot "get yourself into a position" we heard Amos they all knelt down touching the boot while me and harry stand still the twins told us it was a port key "What's a port key?" Me and harry asked "on three....one....two..."

"Potters!" Arthur said we both touched the boot "three!" We start spining around my least favorite thing to do after we spun for a while Arthur spoke "let go kids" "what!?" Me and hermione asked "let go!" We did but only to fall to the ground then Arthur, Amos and Cedric came but they were walking in the air

"I'll see you at school?" He said after helping me get up and kiss my cheek "see you at school" I said and he walked off We walked through the crowd watching amazing things

"I didn't know you were close to Cedric" ginny mocked "oi, shut it he has a girlfriend and Jackie has a boyfriend" I said pointing to myself. We reached a tent and we went in, on the outside it looks small but inside its huge. Ron quickly run to the kitchen

"Ron get out of the kitchen were all hungry" Arthur said "YEAH GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN RON!" the twins said putting their legs on the table "feet of the table" Arthur said "FEET OF THE TABLE!" hey repeated making me laugh

We walked what feels like hundreds of stairs "blimey dad how far are we?" Ron asked panting I stand next to Fred who was standing next to Arthur

"Well let's put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know" I heard the most annoying voice I never wanna hear I turned around smiling "oh look it's barbie, hey barbie" I waved at lucius his expression turned from mischievous to angry Fred laughed and pull me into a side hug I saw draco smiling at me I winked while his father turned away making him smile even more

We all turned to leave but he put his cane on Harry's hand "go enjoy yourself while you can" anger took over me and I tilted my head a little and the can flew away from him he stared at me in shock "two. On three I'll put the cane inside your neck so be careful lucius" i spat my hair turning brown he gave me the 'I'll kill you' look I smirk and we walked away

"Merlin this is why I love you little one" Fred beamed pulling me with him we all go and watched as Ron's crush Victor Krum play

We were outside the tent me and the twins were making silly noises and singing "there's no one like krum" Ron said they lost and Ron was really pissed about it

"Krum?" "Krum?" The twins looked at eachother mocking him "he's like a brid in the air, he's more than an athlete, he's an aritst" Ron beamed

"I think you're in love ron" ginny joined

"Victor I love you" George sang "Victor I do" Fred finished "when we're apart my heart beats only for you" me and harry joined then we heard a noise

"Sounds like that Irish got his pride on" Fred said "stop, stop it, it's not the Irish we gotta get out of here" Arthur said

The place got caught fire "get back to the port key everybody and stick together" Arthur instructed everyone starts running and me and harry got lost in the crowd then we both got separated I called for him but there was no signal then I whistled again there was no sign of harry so I whistle again and again something starts forming into the sky a skull and a snake coming out of its mouth I watched and my scar burnt a little

Then I whistled again but this time he whistled back I run to where i heard it and found him, I hugged him tight "what the hell I whistled this whole time and you didn't respond" I whispered "I fainted sorry" he whispered back "It's ok I'm glad you're ok" I whispered then we heard hermione and Ron calling us

"We were worried about you!" Hermione said hugging us "we thought we lost you mate, what is that?" Ron said harry looked and his scar burnt again

"STUPEFY!" We heard and couple of red lights came to our direction I quickly shielded us "that's my son!" I heard Arthur "kids are you alright?" He asked and we nodded

"Which one of you did it?" Barty crouch said pointing his wand at us "lower your wand sir" I said coldly  "You've been discovered In the scene of crime" he didn't listen he kept his wand pointed at us

"Crime?" Harry asked confused "its the dark mark harry its his mark" Hermione said then me and harry both know why our scar hurts

"Voldemort? Those people tonight in the masks they're his people too aren't they?" I asked Arthur nodded

"death deaters" he said "follow me" barty said as his friends did

"Wait there was a man, over there" harry said "he was the one who made that" I said mentioning the mark they all walked to the direction we told them and we got back to the burrow

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