09. endings and beginnings

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I was in a deep conversation with hermione while the others talk about norbert

"A Sorry lot this, Hagrid oh good God you're not still on about that dragon are you?" Filch asked

"What happened to norbert?" I asked "norbert is gone Dumbledore sent it to romania to live in a colony" he sniffled sometimes I hate the fact that I am metamorphmagus because I can't hide my emotions especially when I'm sad so even though I managed to keep my tears away I can't control my hair color change it turned blue harry must have noticed he approached me

"Jj are you ok?" He whispered he doesn't want anyone to know I nodded and pull him to me puting my hand on his waist while his on my shoulder

"The forest I thought that was a joke we can't go in there students aren't allowed. And there are......" Draco stated "werewolves" he said

I moved forward and hear filch say "there's more than werewolves in those trees, you can be sure of that" "night night" and with that he left

We walk inside the forest me next to harry the others on the back "Hagrid what is that" harry asked he explained about the unicorn which I already knew about

"Our job is to find the poor beast" Hagrid said "Ron, hermione come with me you three go together"

"Ok then I get fang" Draco said "Alright just so you know he's a bloody coward" Hagrid said making me laugh and walk away from the others

We walk through trees Draco everytime turning around and looking "if I didn't know better Draco I'd say you're scared" harry said holding my hand

"Scared potter" he said holding the latern up as we kept walking fang following behind then we saw a figure over a unicorn drinking it's blood our scar start burning then Draco let out am ear piercing scream and run away with fang

"Jj stay behind" he said "no you stay behind" I fight back the figure started approaching us we both backed up but harry fall to the ground I kept my hand lifted just in cast but still backing up but then some amazing creature came behind us scaring the figure to run away

"Harry and Jackie potter you must leave, you are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time, especially for you two" he said

"But what was that thing you saved us from" I questioned

"A monstrous creature it is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking blood of unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch away from death. But at a terrible price, you have slain something so pure that the moment blood touches your lips you'll have a half-life a cursed life" it explained

"But who would choose such a life" harry asked "can you think of no one" it asked

"Do you mean to say that that thing killed the unicorn....." harry stuttered "that was drinking it's blood was it.....voldemort" I finished

"Do you know what's hidden in the school at this very moment?" It asked

"The philosopher's stone" we both whispered

"Hello there firenze I see you meet the potters" Hagrid said and turned to us "are you two ok" we nodded

"Harry and Jackie potter this is where I leave you two. You're safe now. Good luck" I smiled at the horse figured human creature he takes my hand with his and I felt something

'You still can save the her' I heard a voice I looked at its eyes it just nodded and left

I started looking around for the unicorn then spotter her I run up to her and kneel beside her placing my hand oh her chest closing my eyes I entered her mind

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