27. the tri-wizarding tournament

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(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

We sat in the train hermione reading a daily prophets, harry and Ron sitting awkwardly me bugging them singing with my headphones on "Jackie trolley's here" hermione said I took off my headphones and got up

"Hey" I smiled at the lady "two lollipops please" I said "No refills this year Jackie?" She asked "Oh no, there is but for now I'll take these and I'll find you later" I said taking the big lollipops "Ok see you then" she said taking the money I give hemrione one "so this is the refill" Ron said "just figured that out now?" I asked still standing next to harry "two pumpkin pasties please?" She said politely

"Hey cho" I said "Hey jackie" she smiles harry looked at her and they smiled at eachother "dude stop drooling over" I whispered making him blush "ow and liquorice wands please" I said and she gave me "anything sweet for you dear" she asks harry "uh, no I'm not hungry" he lied "but you were hungry thirty seconds ago" I said loudly making his blush go even darker as the four of us laugh "never fell to embarrass me" he groan

We sat back after buying Ron what he wants as harry as hermione reads the news paper I felt my scar sting, I rubbed it to ease the pain and I saw harry doing the same "its hurting again isn't it?" She asked "what no I'm fine" I said

"You know sirius will want to hear about this guys, what you saw at the world cup and about your dreams" Hermione said

I walked to the griffindor common room and was about to say the password when someone covered my eyes "guess who" the person said "neville" I joked he immediately let go of my eyes and looked at me in disbelief "hey you, I'm joking you think I wouldn't know you by your cold hand? neville doesn't have cold hand" I said hugging him

"I never knew that you know" he whispered and kissed me softly again and again making me laugh "I missed you and by the way father is literally planing on killing you" he joked "oh no" I joked and we laugh

We changed into robes and went to eat dinner I sat between harry and Ron, after the first years got sorted Dumbledore spoke

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to very special guests as well. You see hogwarts has been chosen" Mr filch came running through the hall and whisper something to Dumbledore then run back.

"Dumbledore spoke again "so hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the tri-wizarding tournament for those of you who do not know the tri-wizarding tournament brings together three schools for series of magical contest. From each school a single contestant is selected to complete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of majic and their headmistress madam maxime"

A group of girls in a blue dress and a matching hats walked in. They let out a soft breath and lean tot he right and do the same to the left they run the rest of the way and stoped then performed some majic that made butterflies appear one rested on my nose making me giggle then disappeared.

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