66. american pureblood girl

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Me, harry and Ron were in charge of getting the people who works at the ministry. I was getting bored of reading every people's minds. Finally I spotted and knocked two men and two women out. we took them to an old storage room. I decided to take the young girl.

"She's a photographer and american" I sighed. "Can you disguise your voice?" Ron asked. "Or change your accent?" Harry asked.

"I'm Mia Abigail Carmen, American pureblood" I said in a girly American accent. "Where the Bloody hell did you learn how to do that?" Ron asked. "The muggle movies I saw with hermione" I simply said and drink the potion.

We all walk outside wearing what the people were wearing and start walking. Me and hermione walked to the ladies restroom while harry and ron went to the gentlemen restroom. Those pathetic bitches.

I stand on the dirty toilet and flashed myself down. Instantly appearing in the ministry. I looked around and saw lots of people. I fixed my hair a little and kept walking like a model.

I wiggled my hair a little and placed the sunglass I was wearing on my hair. Soon I spotted the others and joined them. "Well don't you look like a model" Ron said. I winked playfully. "How long did you say this batch of polyjuice potion would last jj?" Harry turned to me. "She didn't" Hermione answered for me.

I kept messing around taking pictures of everything I see while the others were struggling to find the elevator. Then I saw a man and decided to ask him. "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where the elevator is?" I asked in American accent. He nodded.

We walked to the elevator and found the other three. They all looked at me in disbelief. "Here you go" he said. I gasped "is there something wrong my lady" he asked. "Nothing, just you have really cool voice" I laughed a little as we head to the elevator door. "Sorry, I've always have an affection for men who have voices like yours" he smiled at me. A flirting smile.

He open the door that was about to close. "Cattermole" he turned to Ron. "It's still raining in my office. It's been two days now" he said.

"Have you tried an umbrella?" Ron said. I hide my laughter. "You do realized I'm going downstairs right?" The man said.

"Downstairs?" Ron asked.

"To interrogate your wife. Now if my wife's blood status is impaired. And the head of the department of magical law inforcement need a job, I think I might just make the part of my day. You have one hour" he said and turned to me.

"Hope to see you again ms?" He stopped. "Carmen. You never told me your name" I smiled sweetly. "Yaxley" he said and left.

"When I said face it, I didn't mean for you to face it like that jj" harry said as the elevator start moving. "It's alright harry a little flirting never hurt no one" I said.

"Oh my god, What am I gonna do? My wife is all alone downstairs" Ron said. "Ron, you don't have a wife" harry said. We reached level two and the door stopped. "But how do I stop it raining" Ron asked.

"Try fenite incartartum" Hermione said. "Alright buddy, this is you" I said and pushed Ron out. "Alright, fenite incartartum. And if that doesn't work?" He turned around. "Then it's been nice knowing you" I blow him a kiss before the elevator starts moving again.

"I say if we don't locate umbridge within the hour, we go find ron and come back another day, deal?" Harry said. Me and hermione agreed. We reached our next stop.

"Mafalda, Travis sent you did he? Good" we saw umbridge standing by the door. She entered and looked at me. "Oh, Mia Carmen it's so good to see you" she said smiling. I tried my best to smile. "It's good to see you too" I said smiling. "Good, we'll be going downstairs" she said. There was a silence on the elevator

"Albert aren't you getting out?" She said. Harry got out. He turned and gave me a 'don't do anything stupid until we find the locket' look. I winked and he left. Me, hermione and umbridge were the only ones left.

She walked us to the court room. Then I heard it, the horcrux is in here. Yaxley sat there carefree while umbridge was the one judging. The poor lady sat there helpless.

"Mary Elizabeth Cattermole" umbridge said. The woman let out a squeaky yes. She was clearly terrified. "Of 22nd chizzlebirth garden, great tolling enchant?"

"Yes" is all the woman could say. I felt bad for her but just kept taking pictures while flirting with yaxley who was sneaking flirty glances over me.

"Mother to Maisie, Elle and Alfred. Wife to Reginald" umbridge said. Mary looked at the door. "Reg?" She said.

"Harry and Ron were standing at the doorway. After few seconds of silence harry pushed Ron inside. Ron nervously went to stand by Mary. "Thank you albert" umbridge said.

"Mary Elizabeth Cattermole, a wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the ministry today Mrs Cattermole, is this that wand?" She held up a wand. Mary nodded.

"Would you please tell the court from which witch or wizard you took this wand" umbridge asked. I felt the lightening appearing on my both hands.

"I didn't take it. I got it from diagon alley at olivander's when I was eleven. It chose me" Mary explained.

"You're lying" I felt a tear escaping from my eyes. I stood up placing the camera to the desk. "Wands only choose witches and you're not a witch" she said. Harry was also making his was to the middle of the courtroom like me.

"But I am, tell them reg. Tell them what I am" Mary said to ron who was standing there speechless. My hands are now glistening with the strikes.

"What on earth are you doing albert? Mia?" She questioned.

"You're lying Dolores" harry said. "And one mustn't tell lies" I said and hit her with lightening. While harry knocked her out. Ron also hit Yaxley with spell. I took of the shoes I'm wearing while hermione throw harry his glasses.

I reached to grab the necklace from umbridge's neck and we all dashed out of the courtroom including Mary. dementors following us rapidly. We all got in the elevator. Then the dementors start performing the kiss.

"Expecto patronum!" Me and harry said sending the dementors away. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible" I said breathing heavily. "I finally got revenge, ooh God I'm so happy" I laugh with hermione.

We reached the ground floor and walk to the exit, but stopped when we noticed Ron talking to Mary. But she pulled him for a kiss. Then the real Reginald Cattermole came and watch as Ron kiss his wife.

"It's harry and Jackie potter" we heard several people saying that. We all start running to the fire place. Yaxley was shooting spells at us. All the fire places were closing we ran into the one that was already closing and went in. Harry then hermione then me then Ron, along with yaxley.

I felt my world spinning. I opened my eyes and saw we weren't at grimmauld place. We were In a forest. I groaned and got up from the floor.

I saw hermione panicking over Ron. "Quick get my bag" she said. I walked to her while harry get her bag. "What happened?" I asked. "Jackie heal him" she ordered.

I waste no time before hovering my hands on Ron's wound and start healing him while hermione kept talking about what happened making me loose concentration.

"Mione shut up" but she kept talking. "SHUT UP! I'M LOOSING FOCUS!" I yelled and finally she shuts up. I healed him but he was still weak. "He's healed but he's still weak. Take care of him, mione you're better than me" I said.

She got up and walk to the front and start mumbling spells. "What are you doing?" Harry asked. "Protective enchantments" she snapped. I got up and walk to her.

"I don't fancy another visit like we did on Shaftesbury avenue do you?" She said "let me help then" I said. "You can start up the tent" she turn to harry. "A tent? Were are we supposed to find a tent?" Harry whispered.

I reached my hands out as the purple lights came out and mixed with the spells she was mumbling. The purple lights disappeared as they combined with her ones.

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