12. rescue

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I was sitting in my cradle playing with my toy while harry was doing the same then he started crying "what is it sweety" Mom asked but harry didn't stop

"Maybe he's sick" dad suggested she checked his forehead and shake her head he keeps looking at me and cry

"Honey what is it" Mom ask again "j....j" he answered "what?" Dad said "jj" harry said "oh merlin he said his first word" he jumped happily

"I can't believe it" Mom said and she came to me "honey come on now say something" she said I looked at her "hawwy" I said they both hugged in happiness

"They said their first words" dad said "call padfoot and moony" Mom said as he ran to the living room

Then the visions changed

'The chamber of secrets has been open enemies of the heir beware' I heard hermione speak then I saw me crying over her in the hospital wing and she was petrified

I wake up with a gasp and there was tear on my cheek harry sat next to me "jj what is it" he asked " nothing, nothing I just have a memory when we say our first words" we both smiled at eachother

A car horn honked we both turned to look Ron, Fred and george in a flying car
"Hey harry, jackie" Ron said "hey sis, harry" the twins said sis is what they call me

"Hey guys" we both said "what are you doing here" harry asked as I turned and start packing my stuffs "rescuing you ofcourse" Ron said harry then turned to me

"So this is what you've been doing yesterday" he said and I shrugged he smiled at me as we packed

"So how are we gonna get out exactly" harry asked "you better back up" Ron said they hooked a rope to the bars then the car moved away so fast pulling the bars with them making a loud noise I quickly put my stuff in the car and jumped in helping harry put his stuff in

Then when he was about to get in uncle vernon grab his leg "let go off him" I yelled "drive" harry said and fred took off making Vernon fell to the ground

"Till next year assholes" I saluted as we fly away I hugged George who was beside me "I missed you so much" I said "I missed you too sis" he replied

Then I leaned forward and hugged Fred who was driving "I missed you" I said "I missed you too little one" Fred replied he always calls me 'little one' or 'sis' then I moved to Ron he turned around and hugged me "Well I missed me too" he said making us laugh

I then get my head out of the window letting the cold breeze touch my face the feeling I've been craving for so so long since I was grounded my now light blue hair flew around I raised my hand and let out a scream they all laughed at me as we kept going to the borrow

I sat back fixing my hair "you look like you haven't got any sunlight" George said "she's been grounded all the time" harry said and gave me a playful smile "Jackie being jackie" Ron said and I laughed

"Thank merlin now that you're here Ron wouldn't stop talking about how much he missed you guys" Fred said as we stopped I was so sleepy my eyes barely opened

They all got out of the car "jj come out" Harry called but I couldn't get up Fred then pulled me out of the car "how much for a piggyback ride" I asked he smiled "We'll see" he said and I jumped on his back he carried me inside

"It's not much but it's home" Ron said "anything is better than that pathetic room merlin I've been in that hole for so long" I said then went to sleep

I woke up few hours later to see they were having breakfast "eating without me are you" I said and take a sit next to harry he put his hands on his face "j...j" he whined making everyone laughs I grabbed a bread that has a jam on it and start eating then I noticed molly smiling at me

"Molly how are you" I walk to her and hugged her "I'm wonderful jackie how are you" she asked politely "oh you know ive been awful but now that I'm here I'm fine" I said and got back to my seat harry smiled at me

"So who got there first words first" he asked "you and you said jj while I said hawwy" we laughed as we eat

"Mom have you seen my jumper" the girl who i assumed Was ginny asked "yeah dear it's on the cat" molly said

I smiled and she smiled back then turned to see harry her eyes widened and she run back to her room

"Ginny she's been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying" Ron said

"My brother's finally got an admirer who knows maybe future wife" I teased and he slap me on the head

"Morning weasley!" Arthur came in "morning dad" the weasleys chanted "what a night nine raids" he said "raids" me and harry asked

"Dad works at the ministry of majic. In the misuse of muggles artifacts office. Dad loves muggles. Thinks they're fascinating" Ron explained Arthur sat down at the table "and who are you two" he asked

"Oh right I'm Harry potter sir" he said "I'm Jackie" I said "good lord are you really" he said in awe

"Is what Ron told us about your secret talents?" He asked me "what did he told you" I asked politely "the telekinesis and the metamorphmagus also the healing" he replied "yeah" I reach my hand out drawing the empty glass to my hand he stared at me amused molly explained how we got here as we eat

An owl screeched "that must be errol with the posts" molly said the owl slammed right to the window "fetch it will you percy" he did and handed us all our letters

"The entire gilderoy lockhart series? I've already read them" I said "of course you do you and hermione read the entire library together" harry said

"His book seems like loads of rubbish" Fred said "should we prank him" George suggested "count it on me" I said my hair turning turquoise "that's why I love you" they both said pulling me into a tight hug

"Now all of you get ready were going to diagon alley to get the supplies" molly said and got up to change

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