53. liquid luck

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Me, harry and Ron were laughing as we saw Mc struggling with new students. "Mr potter" she called harry and start talking to him. While me and Ron stand there talking. The relationship between me and Ron reached another level after the hospital incident, he became so protective over me, in a brotherly way of course.

"Morning Mc" I said "its good to have you back Jackie, dear" she said and I hug her taking her by surprise. "Now go before you miss class" she said "but we have free period" I said but harry pulled me with him and Ron

Narrator's pov

Everyone was in potions class while slughorn introduced himself and talk a little while harry, ron and Jackie make their ways there.

"Come on! Seriously?! I was thinking about spending my free period listening music now I have to be in class because of you two dipshits!" They heard Jackie talking from far "who's causing such a chaos?" Slughorn said.

"Jj will you please shut up?" Harry said "No I'm not shuting up, ron you also promised to get me a cauldron cake" she said "I will but now shut up" Ron opened the door "no, I wa-" she stopped as she notice all the students staring at her.

End of pov

"Hi!" I said to slughorn "harry, Jackie i was beginning to worry! And I see we've brought someone with us" he said "Ron weasley sir. But I'm dead awful at potions menace actually. So I should probably just should be going" Ron turned to leave but I pulled him with me.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out, any friend of the potters is a friend of mine. Right then, book out" slughorn said "Sir we didn't bring our books" I said "we actually didn't wanna come here" I whispered to Ron "no worries you can get what you want from the cupboard, and Jackie I heard from professor snape you don't need one" slughorn said.

"Race ya there!" I yelled running out to the cupboard. They pushed me and open the cupboard and start fighting to grab the new one. Ron wins and harry was disappointed. There were only one book. "I'll use my mind, I'm not dumb like you two anyways" I said geting back to class. Hermione was explaining about amortentia.

"For example, I smell freshly mowned grass and new parchment and spearmint, toothpaste" I smiled at her "I knew it!" I yelled gaining few looks from students. And I saw Blaise and draco smiling at me. "Jackie would you like to try and smell?" Slughorn asked. "Sure" I walked forward and smell it. I smelled cologne, apples and mint. "Well?" Slughorn said "it smells like nothing" I said. I could feel draco's eyes on me.

"Since Jackie didn't smell anything, I would have one volunteer, boys?" Every one look down then draco moved forward. "Well done Mr malfoy, well tell us what did you smell" slughorn said draco closed his eyes for a while taking the smell in. "What did you smell?" Slughorn asked  "chocolate, vanilla, mini cakes and mint" Draco said looking at me. My hair turned pink and I look down. Most of the students look at me.

"Sir, you didn't tell us what's in that one" Katie asked "what you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix felicis but it's more commonly referred to as-" "liquid luck" I said

"Yes, jackie. Desperately tricky to make. Disastrous should you get it wrong, but brewed it correctly. As this has been, it has remarkable powers. One sip and you will find that all your endeavors succeed....at least until the effect wear off. So this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck....to the student who, in the hour that remains, manage to brew an acceptable draught of living death, the recipe for which can be found on page ten of your textbooks" he said.

I managed to successfully brew draught of living death once in third year while having detention with severus. No one knows it yet, but I know what I have to do.

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