19. buckbeak

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"Why does she always have to ruin everything that makes me happy!"

"What the hell is this" I stopped crying as a little lightening came out of my hands as I punch the wall. And The wall was destroyed

"Are you gonna say something jackpot"

"Get your filthy hands off me you bitch!"

"Harry Jackie's right it's a trap he's not a dog he's animagus!"

"Jackie wake up Jackie wake up" I heard hermione "mione I love you but fuck off" I said in raspy voice "Jackie please we're gonna be late" I suddenly got up and went to the bathroom

"What do we have first" I said brushing my teeth "divination" she answered I finished and get dressed and we get to class "you didn't even let me have breakfast" I whined as we sit next to ron and harry

"What rubbish" me and hermione said under our breaths as trewanley kept talking "where did you two came from?" Ron asked confused "us? We've been here this whole time" Hermione said and I smiled a little the professor keeps talking but I didn't hear anything I just rest my head on my hand and sit

She told us to swap cups and we did she then looked at harry with wide eyes and then at Ron "Tell me what you see" she said "well harry got a wonky sort of cross, but that's trails and suffering but this lot here could be the sun. That's great happiness. So you're gonna suffer but you're gonna be happy about it" I couldn't control my laughter. I laughed

"Give me the cup. Uh-ah!" She screamed and dropped Harry's cup "what is it?" I questioned "my boy you have...the grim" she said "What's the grim" I said

"Taking the form of gaint spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in our world, it is an omen.....of death" a griffindor fellow reads

"jackie" Hermione whispered I looked at her and she showed me my cup there was a dog shape in it. One thing that shocks me is that she looks more scared than me. And that's why I love her so much she cared about me

We all walked to our next class which was care for magical creatures lesson. "Come on mione it's not that scary" I said she's been in panick since last lesson "it's not scary but I'm scared for you jackie you" she points at me I smiled and hugged her as we kept walking we started wearing our uniforms carefree I also started wearing the trousers neville gave me with my shirt sleeves rolled up like my brother

"Come on now get a move on! Got a real treat for ya. Great lesson coming up. Follow me and Jackie I have a surprise for you" Hagrid said "Wait really?" I smiled and followed Hagrid

"Gather around. Find yourself a spot, that's it now first thing you wanna know is open your books" Hagrid instructed "and how exactly are we gonna do it" draco asked "you stroke the spine of course" I said still walking

Me and hermione keep talking about the books "I think they're funny" she said "oh yeah terribly funny, really witty" I heard a voice and turned around to see pansy "God this place has gone for the dogs, wait till my father here that Dumbledore got this oaf teaching classes" she said I was raging mad at draco for joining her side for this

"Shut up both of you" I walk to them "or what you're gonna do your freaky little hand thing" pansy repeated her words from last year "shut up parkinson" harry said "you know what happened last year when I did my freaky little hand thing" I said then she suddenly barked

"DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!" harry and the others turned around draco laughed but I kept staring at him making him a little guilty and nervous then they started making ghost faces I scoffed as hermione pulls me

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