07. nimbus 2000?

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Harry and Ron came to save us from the troll which they totally succeeded we also got detention and they take 5 points each from me and hermione. She tried to take the fall but they didn't buy that since I'm adrenaline junkie McGonagall said I came to look for the troll with her which I say it was true and that I drag hermione too.

me and Ron were eating breakfast while hermione and harry talk about Snape getting hurt when Harry's and my owls came flying and drop something on our table which harry caught

"We've never get a mail" harry said "Well open it" I raised my voice he rolled his eyes and open it

"Holy shit its a broom like broomstick broomstick, I got a broomstick!" I screamed  "It's nimbus 2000" Ron said  "Nimbus 2000?" I asked

"It's the latest model" he answered me and harry turn to see McGonagall paying the owl and smiling at us. I do my hand sign towards her which made hermione angry

"Hey that's our sign" she said a bit hurt
"Ow sorry" I said and blow McGonagall a kiss which made her laugh a little "thank you Mc" I said she shake her head at me  "Never fail to embarrass me jj" harry sighed

"Why does he always call you jj" Fred asked suddenly george, Seamus, neville and some other kids turn to hear me
"His first word was jj which means Jackie Jane and ever since we were little he always call me jj" I said then the twins laughed "what?" I said

"You sound like the muggle actor" George said laughing "Jackie chan" Fred finished we all laughed

Harry's and i's first quidditch match against slytherins. We all stand by the door till the game began. I was really nervous. My hair turned blonde. "Nervous?"  Angelina asked "a little" I said "its ok you'll do great" she said giving me a side hug

"Need a diaper brother?" I called "jj! Not. the. time." Harry said angrily making us all laugh. "Don't worry little one you'll do great" Fred said and kiss my cheek. "Yeah sis, don't worry" George said repeating his brother's actions.

We flew out to the crowd. Madam hooch released the quaffle and I flew toward grabbing it. I dodged all the slytherin chasers and throw it into the hoops. Managing to get it into the middle one. "JACKIE POTTER! SCORED 10 POINTS FOR GRIFFINDOR! It seems like she's gonna be the next quidditch captain" Jordan Lee said through the micro phone.

Marcus catches the quaffle and flew to our goals kicking everyone on his way. "BITCH!" I yelled when he kicks angelina
He threw The quaffle but Oliver defends it. "Yeah!" I said. After giving Oliver a wicked smile he turned to me with angry look. I flipped him off with my both middle fingers.

We played with the quaffle tossing it from side to side and finally I throw it to Angelina and she scores another 10. I saw mischief in marcus' eyes and read his mind. Shit

"OLIVER WATCH OUT!" But I was too late. Marcus hit Oliver with the bludger and Oliver fainted. my hair turned red "you son of a bitch!" I screamed reaching my hand out and threw him out of the field.

Two of the boys hang on to Angelina making it hard for her to fly. "Angelina!" I said and she threw the quaffle to me and fell. I was quick to score another 10. "Yeah! That's how it feels!" I said as the slytherins glared at me. Fred and george high five me.

The other chaser tried to score but I grab the quaffle and throw it making us score another 10. Harry went after the snitch with the slytherin seeker. Then his broom went crazy i tried to stop it but I couldn't.

Soon the broomstick was normal again and harry went after the snitch as expected he caught it and Jordan said "HARRY POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH!! GRIFFINDOR WINS!!" I was over the moon I screamed and went to harry and hug him. we all celebrate it in our dorm

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