78. 19 years later

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"-Expeliarmus! She said and blasted her professor back. Everyone was shocked at her action. But it was a smart decision. you wanna know why?" Draco drives as he told our kids our story.

"Why?" All four of them said.

"Becuase if she doesn't, he'll give your grandfather sirius to the dementors" all four of them gasped and their hairs turned light green. I smiled at him.

"What happened then dad?" Scorpius asked.

"Then, they found peter pettigrew and transform him back to himself and he looks disgusting" Draco fake gagged like his children. I laughed.

"Then he tried to fool your mother but she kicked him in the balls. And it was painful" they all laughed.

It's been 19 years since the battle of hogwarts and everyone seem to never forget what happened on that day. Draco and I got married at the burrow three years later and moved to our own house by the sea, hermione was my maid of honor while harry was draco's best man.

After we all graduated hogwarts, harry, hermione and I got a job at the ministry, got tutored and trained by mad-eye moody himself. Harry and ginny got married five years after the battle and ron and hermione got married really soon after them, and I was her maid of honor.

Lucius and I got really close in the past years. We talked and finally settled down. Narcissa also accepts me as her daughter-in-law.

Me and harry moved out with mom and dad a few weeks later after the battle and lived together for a year before we both moved out.

Fred and angelina got another child and they name him birdbill Johnson weasley and he has a ginger hair like his father. George and Daniella also had another kid and they name her Roxanne jackie wealsey.

Neville finally got married with Luna and they now have three kids. And Gemini seems really close to Logan, his last kid.

It's been a month since the kids start asking Draco to tell them our story. he was so shocked at first but tell them anyways. And here we are now, going to kingscross Station. our first kids were going to hogwarts.

"Alright children, I'll tell you the rest next time. here we are kingscross station. Everyone out now" Draco parked the car and got out.

We all walked through the station and stand by platform 9 and 10. Scorpius and Gemini start looking around.

"Mom, Where's platform 9¾?" Gemini asked. "Gem it's right there" i said. Draco helped them pass through the wall and I went through with Orion and Ursa the youngest kids.

"Mama, it's beautiful" Ursa said. "Yes mama when will I go to hogwarts like Scorp and gem?" Orion asked. "You will be there in 2 years. It's not that far is it?" He shook his head happily and his hair turned yellow.

"Hey! Dumbledore!" Gemini ran to albus and hug him. "How many times do I have to tell you, my name is albus" albus whined.

Albus is really shy like harry. But James and lily are just like me. Gemini went to hug rose and Hugo, then James and lily. They were inseparable since they were born.

I hug my brother, hermione and ron. They also share a hug with draco. They've got along really well in the past 19 years.

"Mama, what is I got sorted into hufflepuff or ravenclaw?" Scorpius asked.

"Scorp, it doesn't matter what house you'll be In. And we'll love you no matter what. And remember your aunt Dora is a hufflepuff and aunt Luna is a ravenclaw. And-"

"They're the most amazing people anyone could ask for" he finished my sentence. I smiled and nodded.

"I love you mama" he said his hair turn purple. "I love you too baby" my hair turned purple like him. I kissed his head and went to hug Gemini.

"I love you mama" she said. Her hair turning purple like us. "I love you too baby" I said and kiss her head.

"And make sure to use cantis in the entire dinning hall" I winked at my babies. "We will. Uncle Fred and george packed us lots of prank stuffs here" Gemini patted the waist bag around her waist hermione gave her last year.

"Georgiana gave some too" Scorpius said "You're girlfriend you mean?" Gemini joked. "Shut up. It's not like you're not all over Logan" Scorpius said. My eyes widened as gemini's hair turn pink.

"Logan? Logan neville longbottom?" I said happily. "Yeah" albus and James said at the same time. She blushed even more. "He's hot isn't he?" I asked. She smiled at me.

The train was leaving. "Alright kids I'll see you at Christmas! I love you" Draco wiped his tears as he see off his kids. We all stand there watching our kids go to hogwarts.

"Do you think they go through adventures like us?" Draco asked.

"Of course, it's hogwarts after all" I said. And he pulled me for a kiss. This is our story, mine, Harry's, Hermione's, Ron's, draco's, everyone's.


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