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There are five stages of grief

We saw the weasleys crying around a dead body. I walk faster than the others along with Ron. George, who was crying on his father's shoulders, turn to us and pulled me into a hug as Ron knelt down next to a dead body.


"George?" I whispered. "He left sis. He was laughing but now,He's gone" he cried. "Stop he's pranking us, he'll wake up" I smiled not believing what I was seeing. "No sis he won't, I tried. Rockwood, he tortured him. He use the Imperious curse on him, making him slam himself against the wall" he cried. I pushed him. And knelt beside Fred.

"Freddie? Freddie wake up, you're worrying us" I said shaking him. But he didn't wake up. My eyes filled with tears I looked up to see Molly in tears. "He's not.....don't say it" I said shaking my head. "He's gone jackie" Arthur cried.


"NO! STOP SAYING THAT HE'LL WAKE UP! Fred, FRED! WAKE UP!" I yelled but he didn't wake up and I wasn't giving up

"Alright stop" Arthur said. "NO! HE CAN'T BE! HE PROMISED HE'LL BE SAFE HE'S NOT GONE!" Ron pulled me by my waist holding me as I start freaking out.
"Sis" George whispered. "But It's not fair George. IT'S NOT FAIR!" I broke down.

"Jj..." harry called I turn and saw them laying there. Their hands almost touching.


"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Not you too. Wake up, please. What about us. What about teddy. Wake up, wake up" I cried over remus and Dora. I let out agonizing scream crying.


I knelt there in silence. Just watching the tears drop from my eyes and turn into a purple ray before traveling and get inside every dead body. I thought about every person who got hurt because of us.

Mom, dad, severus, Dumbledore, Fred, sirius, remus, Dora, neville's parents, Hermione's parents, so many hogwarts students that died today, everyone.

Then three rays traveled out of the door.


'Two down one to go don't you think?' Remus' voice echoed into my ears.

"All down" I whisper before getting up. They all looked at me.

Additionally, Revenge

I walk to Fred with cold eyes. "I swear on my soul freddie, I'll avenge you. I'll kill Rockwood. I'll never forgive you for leaving me and george" I said. Molly told me fenrir killed remus, and dolohov killed Dora. My mind was only screaming one thing. Revenge.


Me went to the pensive with harry holding my hand. We drop Snape's tears into the pensive and lock hands before we both look down.

There were two girls. My mom and petunia. Mom made a flower bloom in her hand. Then petunia smacked it out of her hand. "Freak! You're a freak lily! I'm gonna tell mommy, you're a freak!" She yelled. Severus came out and grab a piece of a grass.

He held it in his hand and it flew into my mother's hand. She looked at him and smiled. Petunia saw this and ran away.


We saw mom and severus laying under a tree. "She's just jealous. She's ordinary and you're special" "that's mean severus" mom said. They both looked at the tree and the leaves flew away.


"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat that was on mom's head said. She walk to the gryffindor table after giving severus a sad smile. "Hi, I'm james" dad said. "Hi, I'm lily" mom said shaking his hand.


"Just like your father. Arrogant" "down say a word about my father" harry said. We saw mom and severus walking down the hall when dad pushed passed severus knocking g his book down. He looked back and smile at mom.


We saw mom and dad dancing like the photo Hagrid gave us. It soon fade and we saw trelawney talking. "Master and servant shall be reunited once more"


"The prophecy did not speak or a woman" Dumbledore said. "It spoke of twins born at the end of july" he added. "Yes, it's her children. He intend to hunt them down and kill them" severus said.

"Hide them. Hide them all, please. I beg you" severus begged. "What will you give me in exchange severus?" "Anything"


"Harry, jackie, you're both so loved. You're so loved. Mama loves you, dada loves you. Harry protect your sister, protect each other. Be safe, be strong" mom spoke softly.

"OUT OF MY WAY YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" "AVADA KEDAVRA!" We saw voldemort killing mom.


"You said you would keep her safe" severus cried. "Lily and James, put their faith in the wrong person severus. Rather like you" Dumbledore said. "The twins survived" "they don't need protection, the dark lord is gone" severus cried.

"The dark lord will return. And when he does the twins will be in terrible danger. They have her eyes. And the girl looks just like her. She shares Merlin's powers" Dumbledore said. "No one can know" severus said.


"Gryffindor!" "Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled, sorting me and harry.


"How long?" Dumbledore asked as severus examine his hand. "Maybe a year" he got up and turn his back. "Don't ignore me severus. We both know he ordered the malfoy boy to murder me. But we both know he's madly in love with jackie and can't do it"

"You shall be the one to kill me severus, it is the only way" Dumbledore said.


We saw as severus killed Dumbledore. Then the scene changes and they were at Dumbledore's office again. "There will come the time, the potters must be told something. But you must wait until voldemort is at his most vulnerable"

"Must be told what?" Severus asked. "On the night voldemort went to godric's hollow to kill the twins, and lily potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded. When that happens, parts of voldemort's soul latched itself into the only living things it could find: harry and Jackie themselves"

"There's a reason they could talk with snakes. There's a reason they can look into voldemort's mind together. Parts of lord voldemort lives with them" "So when the time comes, the twins must die?" Severus asked. "Yes, they must die" "You've kept them alive so they can die at the proper moment. You raised them like pigs for slaughter" severus said.

"Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the twins" Dumbledore said. He took out his wand "For them? Expecto patronum" a silver doe came out of his wand and disappeared.

"Lily? After all this time?" Dumbledore asked.


Me and harry took our heads out and shared a shocked look.

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