"Thank you for being here Mr Pooh."

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summary: y/n is home late and was expected to see hailee but neither hailee neither the dogs were at home...

words count: 1,366

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y/n's pov

I had a very long and tiring day at work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job so much but manage the image of a big company isn't that easy every day. Sometimes you have to promote many many things per day but sometimes your day is boring so you have nothing to do. Today, I was really busy so I wasn't bored at all.

When I came back home, it was around 7pm and I just wanted to lay in bed with my sweetheart, Hailee. She has a very busy schedule and I don't even know how she manages to do all of it while never getting tired like I currently am. She has magical powers. Or... Is she a vampire? A werewolf? A... Witch? Nah, Y/N, you definitely left this world to think about Hailee being a supernatural creature. Hailee is God's gift. That's it.

"Hailee? Baby? You're here? I'm home! Well, you know I'm home since I'm YELLING in this big ass house to hear an answer from your pretty little mouth with your angelic voice!"

I waited a few seconds but no reply. I searched her in all the pieces of the house but Hailee was nowhere to see. I was too focus on finding Hailee that I completely forgot about the dogs. They weren't there either.

"Shit! Where are they??" I tried to whistle a bit to call them but it's always Hailee who does that because I'm a terrible whistler... "Martini?? Teenie?? Brando?? Where are you guys??"

They aren't in the garden, they aren't in the house. What if... What if someone just kidnapped them? What if.. What if they kidnapped the doggos AND Hailee?? No. No. Impossible. You're overthinking everything y/n, you should consult someone for that and you know it.

"Maybe Hailee just took them with her.. Yeah, it's probably that. She took them for walk. That's it. No need to worry, y/n." And now I'm talking to myself, what the fuck?? Ok. Just... calm down. Go take a bath, relax, listen to music and everything will be fine. But it's still weird...

So I did what I said to myself: I took a bath with my headphones in my ears, listening to music, especially 'Troye Sivan' with his masterpieces that are 'Strawberries & Cigarettes' and 'could cry just thinkin' about you'. It relaxed me a lot but not entirely because I was still worried about Hailee and the babies. She didn't text me or let a note on the fridge. I did what I should've done when I was back home: give a call to Hailee or at least send her a quick message. I fell on her voicemail and I sighed. What the heck is she doing...

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hailee's pov

I wasn't at home since I was at the studio. With the dogs... Yes, both of them. I took them with me this morning because Y/N told me she'll be home late and I didn't know yet the time I'll pass at work today. I didn't want to let them alone all day from 8am to 7pm. I was hoping to be home earlier than it is right now but I didn't know how much voice over I had to do and oh god it was so long and sometimes really annoying. I wanted to let a text to Y/N but my phone wasn't next to me and I couldn't catch it. I was worried that Y/N was probably worried that I wasn't home,
so do the dogs. My girl didn't need to worry about anything since the three of us, tiny Teenie, Brando and I were fine and safe. But once again, she didn't know that. She didn't know anything actually.

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y/n's pov

An hour has passed since I came back home and the night started to come, Hailee still didn't show up, neither the pups. I let her multiple texts per minute. I tried to not freaking out but it was hard. You know, when you love someone and that someone doesn't let you know that she's okay? It hurts like a train. It hurts as much as you were a victim of the road. I need to know that Hailee is fine. That the dogs are fine. That they will come back home sooner than I expected, with a big smile on all of their faces and bringing joy with them.

I ate a bit, not feeling that hungry because of the anxiety that Hailee may be hurt. I then went to the couch, put the new season of 'The Umbrella Academy' and watched it. Not feeling very good again, I went to the bedroom I shared with Hailee, took my pillow and my teddy with me and went downstairs again before returning to the couch and putting a blanket over me.

"Thank you for being here Mr. Winnie the Pooh..." A little smile appeared on my face when I looked at the teddy Hailee bought me the last time we went to Disneyland. When I was a child, I spent my days watching Winnie the Pooh and his friends. This old cartoon owned my full attention. "God bless anyone for having Hailee's scent on you." And now I was talking to my teddy. And before I could guess it, my eyes closed step by step, letting me fall asleep on the couch with Winnie the Pooh into my arms, my head resting on my pillow and the blanket covering my entire body, including my chin and my cheeks.

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hailee's pov

10:47pm. I was on my way to the house with the dogs sleeping in the backseats of my car. The traffic was good since it was kinda late so I came back home quickly. I opened the door quietly, not knowing if y/n was sleeping or not but the dogs decided that it was better to be loud so they barked.

"Shshshsh... Momma's probably sleeping..." They both looked at me when I talked to them. "Don't you want to eat?" I asked them as if they could answer me. I took their bowls and put some food in them. Wow. They were hungry... They were starved. I giggled a bit at their reaction before making my way to the living room. I could hear the sound of the TV. Y/N wasn't sleeping... Well, it was what I thought because the minute after I thought about that, I saw my muse sleeping peacefully on the couch with Mr Winnie the Pooh glued to her skin.

"Hey... It's supposed to be me there,
Winnie..." I whispered. But the whisper wasn't that quiet since Y/N started to waking up. I immediately placed myself next to her face, my knees on the floor and my hands caressing her hair. Her Y/E/C started to show up and a little smile was drawn on her face. God she's so cute when she's half asleep.

"Hi baby girl..." I whispered again, caressing now her cheek.

"Hey sweetheart..." She started to sit up before falling on the couch because of how tired she is.

"You need to rest for a bit honey.. You're too tired to be able to speak even a word. Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you. I'm here, I'm home, I'm fine and I'm safe. You can sleep peacefully darling, I won't leave." I told her before kissing her forehead and took her upstairs to the bed. I placed her on her side of the bed and put the covers on her warm body. I quickly joined her and crawled next to her to hold her tight onto me. I was the big spoon as always and she was the little one.

"Goodnight baby, I love you. Tomorrow is another day. Another day to spend with you." I elevated myself to be able to kiss her lips. She just smiled at this and murmured the same thing but with another nickname.

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