Science project | PART 1 *

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summary: y/n and hailee are in the same class and when they have to work together, it's a complete disaster.

words count: 2,870

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y/n's pov

   It has been a few months now that I'm in my 11th grade and I can say that it's great. I have good grades, I like my teachers, they're good, I like what I'm doing. But I hate one thing: spending every single day next to her. Spoiled little rich girl. Hailee 'I'm better than you' Steinfeld. Another thing I hate: her always chowing on her gum. Like girl, it's sooo annoying can't you just wait for the lunch break?

   It was a cold monday of december and I had class only the morning because we had our afternoon off since we had to start working on our assigned project that will be given to us in a few minutes.

   I walked into class, sighing at the sight of her, waiting for me to sit next to her. I looked at her with a face and she scoffed at this, sounding offended. I sat on my chair and took out my stuff from my bag pack. She stared at me the whole time.

"What? You don't have enough money to buy you stuff for school?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I could buy you a new behavior."

"Leave me alone, okay?"

"I didn't start the fight. You started it."

"For once.." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"It's monday. Weekend is over you know."

"Very funny. I know weekend is over, I got to spend a lot of times in the big streets of LA."

"Good for you because I, personally, don't care."

"It's monday december 11."

"So what? It's a random day."

"It's actually not a random day. It's my birthday."

"Oh so you expect me to wish a 'happy birthday'? Well no. I'm not your friend and I don't like you so don't expect me to wish it to you. And especially since you started becoming really annoying."

"I'm so offended." She faked a fainting.

"You should act. Great actress." I said, sarcastically again.

"That's the plan." Hailee answered with a bright smile.

"Ok cool I don't care."

"When I'll be on the big screen, you will say 'oh damn I know this girl, I was sitting next to her during 11th grade of high school, I miss her!'" She tried to imitate my voice but obviously failed.

"You know what? Just stop talking to me. You're really annoying right now."

"I know you love it when I annoy you. Without me, classes for you would be so boring." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah... If you say so. I don't even know why you are here. Your parents can't pay a private school for you?"

"It's much better here. I can have fun with some people. Including you."

"I don't see why it's fun to be around me but anyway. Now if you can excuse me, I have a lesson to listen to."

"Oh my god you're such a nerd." Hailee complained while leaning back on her chair.

"And you're such a terrible student. It doesn't surprise me anymore that you had to do the 10th grade for two times."

"Oh just shut it. It's not a big deal."

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now