Watching YOU | PART 1

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Summary : [Y/N] [Y/L/N] is Hailee's new neighbor. She lives in front of Hailee's penthouse, in Los Angeles. She moved in with her two little twins. Hailee is curious about this woman who seems too young to have kids so she watches her, and without even talking to her, she falls madly in love.

warnings: dark!hailee, masturbation.

words count : 5,575

— not proofread

• Hailee's POV •

      I stood by my window, slowly sipping my coffee as I gazed out at the building across the way. The movers had been bustling about all morning, carrying boxes and furniture into the empty apartment. I wasn't paying much attention until I saw her. My interest piqued sharply. She was directing the movers, her hair pulled back in a messy bun, sweat glistening on her forehead as she hefted a box herself, her muscles flexing with the effort. Children, a pair of energetic twin boys, darted around her legs, their laughter carrying faintly across the distance.

"Damn, she's strong," I whispered to myself, eyes glued to the scene. I couldn't take my eyes off her, captivated by her strength and grace. I noticed how her smile lit up her face. "Beautiful smile," I whispered again, feeling a strange warmth spread through me. There was something about her—a blend of vulnerability and determination—that stirred something deep within me. I felt an inexplicable pull towards this new neighbor, an urge to know more about her life.

My attention was drawn to the way she interacted with the children, her patience and warmth evident in every gesture. She knelt to tie one of the boys' shoes, her face softening with a smile as she listened to his excited chatter. "Such a good girl," I muttered, feeling a pang of something that felt a lot like admiration. When one of the movers dropped a box, she quickly rushed over, her concern and gratitude clear as she checked on the man's well-being and reassured him with a touch on his arm. I couldn't help but admire the ease with which she seemed to handle everything, her presence commanding yet nurturing. "How do you do it?" I murmured, almost in awe.

There was a moment when she paused, wiping her brow and glancing up towards my building. Our eyes met briefly, and I felt a jolt of electricity run through me. "Oh, God," I breathed, quickly stepping back, my heart pounding. But I couldn't resist peeking out again, watching as she returned to her task, unaware of the effect she just had on me. My curiosity grew with every passing minute, my mind racing with thoughts of how I could introduce myself, how I could find a way to be closer to this captivating woman who had suddenly entered my world.

"I have to meet her," I whispered, a determined edge creeping into my voice. "I have to find a way."

As I continued to watch, another thought struck me. She looked so young, barely out of her teens, yet here she was, a mother of twins. "She can't be more than twenty," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief. "How does someone so young have two kids already?" The idea fascinated and perplexed me. "There's got to be a story there," I whispered, my curiosity deepening. The more I watched, the more I wanted to know everything about her—her past, her present, her struggles.

"I need to know more," I whispered to myself, feeling the determination solidify within me. "I have to find out who she is."

• 3rd POV •

[Y/N] wiped the sweat from her brow, looking around at the bustling scene as the movers carried box after box into her new apartment. Her heart pounded with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Moving with twin boys was no small feat, but this new beginning was something she desperately needed.

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