Teacher's Pet | PART 1*

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summary: y/n is literally the teacher's pet type of girl.

words count: 2,128

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y/n's pov

   I was in literature class. My favorite one... I've always been attracted to that sort of thing, especially thank to when we studied the poet, Emily Dickinson. It was sometimes hard to understand what her poems meant but there were still some of them easy to guess what they talked about. It was even easier when Miss Steinfeld, the teacher, explained us. Explained me. I wasn't always the 'teacher's pet' type of girl before but when I started learning with her, I don't know. I needed to be her favorite. Maybe because the whole class had a crush on her and I wanted to be the one she cherished the most. It was like a competition: the one who was Miss Steinfeld's favorite would win everything. When she looks at you with her sparkling hazel eyes, you can't do anything else but melt. Her eyes in addition of her smile can make you fall off your chair. She is the definition of kindness and sexiness. She definitely can be both.

   Right now, I was at my locker, picking up the stuff I needed and putting it in my bag. When I closed the locker, I was surprised to see my best friend, Liz, right in front of my face. I put a hand over my heart and breathed deeply. "Jeez, Liz! Tell me when you're here! I almost got an heart attack!" I was half laughing.

"Yeah, sorry.. We should go to class or we're going to get killed." She tells me as she grabs my arm to drag me to the classroom.

"Don't worry about that. We're not going to be late." I smirked and Liz noticed it.

"Right. Teacher's pet." She chuckled, punching my shoulder playfully as we walked to the class. Everybody was already sitting to their desks and only two were missing, obviously Liz and I's ones. As we entered the classroom, all eyes were on us and I could feel Miss Steinfeld's eyes too. Fuck.

"Y/N. Liz. How awesome it is from you to join us here." Hailee said as both Liz and I rolled our eyes, sighing, making our way to our seats. "Hello to you too, ladies." She continued with that irony. "You were just on time because I'm going to give you your exam papers from last week. Some of you succeeded pretty well while others failed miserably. I can give you a second chance to upgrade your grade but it's only if you want to. Not the same test but similar questions. So if you're interested, come to my desk when the class is over, okay?" She said, smiling, before started her class.

   About an hour after, Hailee gave us our tests. Liz was smiling, everybody was smiling while I was just standing there, shocked. I didn't expect to have a D- since I struggled to study all week.

"I'm very disappointed of you, Y/N. I don't know what happened but I expect you to study more." She said with a cold tone.

   I looked down at my paper and just sighed. When the bell rang, I packed my things into my bag and was about to leave the classroom when Hailee called me. "Y/N, wait a minute please." I looked at Liz who was waiting for me and told her that I'll join her right after.

"What? What do you want?"

"Take a seat." She told me and I sat on a random chair in front of her desk; she was sitting on it. "I give you two options, Y/N." She started. "First option: you keep your D-.  Second option..." Hailee stood up, making her way closer to me, behind me. "You look like a teacher's pet, aren't you? I noticed how you look at me, Y/N. You devour me with your eyes. Your eyes beg me to make you feel good, aren't they?" She whispered to my ear.

"What do you expect me to do? How can you know that I'm a 'teacher's pet', huh?"

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N..." She laughed. "You want to be the only one I see. You're constantly fighting against the others to make sure you're the one I prefer. You play nice, kind and cool with me, in my class, while you're a storm in my colleagues classes. You can't deny it, your detention hours talk for you and, as if by chance, you never got detention hours while you were in class with me. It's quite suspicious, isn't it?"

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