Mario Kart *

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summary: hailee and y/n plays mario kart and make the game interesting.

words count: 2,406

fluff & smut.

• y/n's pov •

"Haileeee! You know what day it is, right?!" I said as I jumped onto the bed, throwing myself into my girlfriend's arm. Hailee was groaning and turning around, trying to make me fall and she successfully did because I fell on the floor. Thank god there was a carpet there because I could've been hurt or something. Wanted to get revenge, I didn't make a sound, wanted to worry Hailee as most as possible. I succeeded because she turned around once more to look at me laying down flat on my stomach.

"Holy shit, Y/N, I'm so sorry! Babe? You okay?" She get off the bed quickly and sat down next to my body. When she leaned in closer to check on me, I suddenly let out an horrific scream, causing her to jumpscare and causing me to laugh loudly at the point that it was hurting my stomach. "Oh my god Y/N you're not funny I swear to god. You had me worried for a few seconds!" She had her hand over her heart, trying to regain composure and taking her breath back after the pretty fun event, at least, for me.

"Don't ever push me off of you." I pouted like a kid before she picked me up and threw me on the bed, joining me right after. Hailee wrapped her arms around my body, spooning me. "Haileeee.." I giggled, knowing that she did that on purpose just so she can spend more time in bed.

"What? Don't you want to cuddle with your amazing and breathtaking girlfriend?" She grinned mischievously, kissing my temple quite a few times.

"I do, but you're doing that just to delay the moment you'll lose against me at Mario Kart cause we're Sunday today and.."

"... And...?"

"And on Sunday we always play Mario Kart! Come on, get up babe!" I kissed her lips while giggling, grabbing her wrists gently. "Are you afraid to lose again?" I smirked, knowing full well she won't give in.

"Me? Afraid to lose? Never. Never Y/L/N. Be ready for your biggest deception, love." She grinned and got up, causing me to be left alone on the bed while she walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

     I was left alone on the bed, feeling a mix of excitement and determination. I quickly got up and followed Hailee downstairs, ready to take on the challenge of Mario Kart. As I entered the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, accompanied by the sizzling sound of bacon on the stove.

     Hailee turned to face me, holding a plate of pancakes adorned with strawberries and whipped cream. "Breakfast of champions for the soon-to-be loser," she teased playfully, winking at me.

     I playfully rolled my eyes and took a seat at the table. "We'll see about that. I've been practicing, you know."

     As we enjoyed our delicious breakfast, our conversation was filled with laughter and playful banter. The competitive spirit between us was always a source of joy and excitement. We finished our meal, cleared the dishes, and made our way to the gaming room we built especially for our "gaming day", where the Nintendo Switch awaited us.

     With controllers in hand, we chose our favorite characters and built our cars, mine being Yoshi and Hailee with Luigi. We started our intense Mario Kart session. The race tracks echoed with cheers, shouts, and occasional playful taunts. Each lap brought us closer to victory or defeat, and the thrill of competition electrified the room.

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