Step sister | PART 1

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summary: hailee is y/n's step sister since a few months. y/n moved with her dad in hailee's mom house and the two younger ladies have to deal with each other.

words count: 1,368

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y/n's pov

   It has been exactly 27 days that my dad and I left my childhood home to move in his new girlfriend's big house. Him and my mom always have been happy together but I guess it wasn't real happiness. I was an only child but now... Now that I'm living under a new roof, I have to share my life with a boy and a girl. They're siblings. One named Griffin and the other is Hailee. Griffin and I are almost similar so it was pretty easy to get to know each other. Hailee, this girl, is overwhelmed by work. I quickly discovered that she was a singer and an actress so I understand why she is that busy and fortunately she is because, her and me, it's not a good match. I mean, we can't stand each other. And it's probably because my dad left my mom for her mom. It surely works the same in her brain. This house, this place, is her territory. And she clearly makes it understandable. Whenever we are next to each other it's like WWIII. Both us with the need to 'win' this fight, my dad often separates both of us. She is the older one, she must know how to behave. Hailee's 25, almost 26 since she never stops remembering me when her birthday is. I'm 19 so it makes me the younger one. Griffin being the oldest of the three of us. He doesn't live here though which sucks because I would have preferred living with him than Hailee and her little behavior.

   I was lying on my bed, watching Gossip Girl on my laptop when I heard a knock on my door. Knowing all too well who was knocking, I didn't hesitate to employ words.

"Go fuck yourself, Steinfeld." I said, calmly, because it's not the first time she knocks on my door. "What the hell didn't you understand in 'go fuck yourself'?!" I turned around and my dad was standing there, eyebrows furrowed. "Uh— Uh.. Sorry! I— I thought it was Hailee..." I smiled a little from embarrassment.

"It's not very nice of you to speak to Hailee like that you know." He chuckled.

"She deserves it."

"She tries her best too, you know."

"About what, huh? She doesn't have to try. She can just go buy a fucking mansion and live there with thousands of dogs! She's rich dad, why is she still here?" I sat on the mattress, legs crossed.

"I don't know. How about you ask that question to her? She certainly has the answer." He mocked me.

"That is not funny at all. You know I don't want to speak to her. Unless you want us to fight again?" I smirked, knowing that my dad HATES when Hailee and I fight.

"Join me downstairs. We need to talk." He said, seriously.

"Why?! You can tell me here. I don't want to see her."

"Come on, Y/N, don't be a dork, come downstairs. It will be quick."

"FINE." I answered, clearly annoyed. Both my dad and I went downstairs, welcomed by Hailee and her mother, Griffin not here obviously. I stayed up while they were all sat on the couch.

"So? Does anybody gonna talk or I can go back to my room?" I rolled my eyes.

"Can you please sit down?" My dad asked.

"No. I don't wanna be near her." I pointed at Hailee who was scoffing, probably feeling offended.

"We already talked about this Y/N. Don't be a dork and come sit with us." I sighed loudly and sat on a chair, very far away from Hailee.

"So.. Cheri and I will go on vacation in two days. I expect you, Y/N, to listen to Hailee. She will have you in charge and—"

"No. I don't need her. I don't need a babysitter. I'll be fine on my own. I can take care of myself."

"Do I need to remind you that when you tried to cook, you almost burned the house? You lucky I didn't tell your dad.." Hailee intervened, talking with a big smirk.

"You WHAT??"

"Oop— Did I say something I shouldn't?" H looked at both my dad and I.

"I didn't do it on purpose, okay?! I got distracted!"

"And by what exactly?"

"I— Nevermind. I'm done. Enjoy your vacation." I scoffed and went back upstairs, slamming the door of my bedroom.

   It has been two days that my dad and Cheri left the house to go on vacation. I was left alone with Hailee herself and for now, I did great when it was about to avoid her until she caught me sneaking out of the house...

"Where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh it's definitely my business. Do I need to remind you that I have to keep an eye you?" She crossed her arms while approaching me.

"This rule is stupid. I'm major. I don't need a babysitter. Especially you."

"Oh. It hurts." She said, sarcastically. "Do you know how many people wish they were at your place, having me keeping an eye on them? They are a LOT. So, consider yourself lucky to have me as your step sister."

"Your ego is so big what the fuck? How is this even possible?"

"Don't try to escape the interrogation. Where are you going?"

"To a party."

"A party?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes. So what? I'm legal."

"You're legal to go to parties but you aren't to drink alcohol and smoke whatever shit you find."

"Says the one who probably drank multiple shots of vodka before 21 years old..."


"Yeah, sure, my ass."

"You are so goddamn annoying, do you know that? I would let you go to your little party if I didn't care about you."

"Oh? 'Cause you care about me?" I made a confused face.


"So you lied?"


"And I have a 13 inches dick."

"Ok. I didn't lie. You are so annoying and I don't like you, I don't like sharing my house with you, my brother, my mom. Thank god I don't share my dad with you but my mom loves your dad and to not disappoint her I try to take care of everyone here. Even you."

"You don't have to take care of me."

"You're younger than me, you are the youngest
here so, yes, Y/N, I have to take care of you even though it bothers me more than anything else 'cause I have more important things to do and to deal with and I keep postponing them just for you so stop playing the dramatic girl and make an effort. It won't work if I'm the only one who tries."

"Can I go to the party?" I asked.

"Only if you promise me you won't drink nor smoke."

"Ughh." I sighed. "Ok. Fine. I promise. It'll be okay."

"I trust you, Y/N."

"Yeah. Don't worry... Thank you, Hailee." I smiled. I smiled to her for the first time since I live here. Damn... I left the house to go to the party, Hailee looking at me as I did so.

   Time passed and it was around 4:30am when I got back to the house. I didn't have the courage to go upstairs and lay on my bed so I fell on the couch, on my stomach, almost falling asleep. The only thing that avoided me to fall asleep was Hailee who went downstairs when she probably heard noises.

"Hey..." She said, whispering.

"Hi.." I replied with the same tone.

"How do you feel?"

"Horny as fuck."

"Excuse me?"

"I said I was horny."

"How? Why?"

"Because I told my friends that you were my step sister and they said you were hot and they showed me pics of you and wow, they were damn right. You're so gorgeous."

"Well, thanks.."

"And since you're here, you wanna have sex with me?"

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now