My First Kiss | PART 1

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Summary: y/n is a teenager of 16 years old and she just moves in a new city. she is invited to a party by her first friend and things quickly take another dimension.

words count: 1,900

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y/n's pov

   Everything is new. My house, my city, my life.. I recently moved to another city because my parents had to, their work didn't let them the choice. I was living in Monaco, so when I learned that I had to cross the Atlantic ocean and the United States to live on the West Coast, I wouldn't have believed you. But yet, here we are.. Los Angeles. It's bigger than my Monaco but at least the wether is kind of perfect. It's cool that I don't have to live in the coldness anymore. Things that suck? I had to leave my friends behind me. We can still talk with phone calls or messages but.. I can't really hang out with them.. I wish I could have brought them with me but it's impossible. Oh, I almost forgot the main informations.

   I'm Y/N   Y/L/N. I'm 16, I have a big brother. His name is Enzo. Yes, we have some italian blood. Both of us are like.. princess and prince. Our parents are the king and queen of Monaco which is pretty cool. My brother is taking things very seriously while, on the other hand, I'm just having fun since I know I won't be queen. I'm happy about it, I can do what I want.

   My parents found a good school I could go to. For obvious reasons, it was completely different from the schools in Monaco and in Europe in general. That school I was going to was not that far from my house so I didn't need to take the bus.

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   It was my first day at school and honestly, I was so anxious and stressed. It's not easy to start a new journey somewhere you know nothing about. I didn't know anybody and I didn't know if my english was perfect. Because yes, in Monaco we do speak french.

   When I walked in the hallway of the high school, what shocked me first was that there were so many lockers. We don't have that in Monaco. I was so lost. I was looking all around me, all eyes were on me because I was obviously the only person they never saw in school.
   I bumped into someone but nobody fell. Thank god. It was a beautiful young brunette. She had a bright smile and a cute face. She held out her hand for me to shake and I took it.

"I'm Sofia." She said, still with that smile.

"Y/N." I gave her a smile too.

"You're new here, right?"

"Yeah. I— I'm coming from Monaco. It's— Uh.. In France. Somehow. I don't really know how to explain it. And, I bet you wouldn't understand because y'all, in the United States, are known for being terrible at geography, so..."

"Yeah no it's fine. Not everyone sucks at geography. Some of us are good but yeah, others can't even place their country on a map." Sofia answered, chuckling.

"Do you need a hand with anything?"

"Actually, I was wondering where my class is. I have.. Uh.. History..?"

"Oh come on! Follow me. We're both in the same class. By the way, Y/N, a good friend of mine is throwing a party tonight. You wanna come? That way you'll be able to make some friends!"

"Yeah.. Sure.. I— I'll come. I just need to know where and when."

"It's near the beach actually, just text me your address and I'll give the details." I gave her my phone and she entered her number in it. I did the same with hers. "Come on now, we're gonna be late!" She grabbed my wrist gently and guided me to where we needed to go.

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