City of Love ?

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summary: Hailee is back in France for the Paris Fashion Week after 5 years without putting a foot there.

words count: 2,072

a/n: i was listening to FASHION by Britney Manson and that idea popped into my head.

• 3rd POV •

Hailee Steinfeld's return to Paris was met with a wave of anticipation. It had been five years since she had last set foot in France, and this time, it was for a special occasion – Paris Fashion Week. The world-famous singer and actress, 26 years old, had arrived in the City of Love with an air of excitement and nostalgia.

As she stepped onto the red carpet, the cameras flashed incessantly, and the paparazzi's shouts blended into a cacophony. Hailee wore a stunning designer suit that accentuated her elegance, but she couldn't help but notice that all eyes were directed elsewhere.

In the midst of the flashing cameras and adoring fans, the center of attention was unmistakably [Y/N] [Y/L/N], a 22-year-old Chanel model. Her striking beauty and charisma had the crowd in a frenzy. The name [Y/N] echoed through the air as her fans screamed with excitement, their energy almost palpable.

Hailee couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity. She had heard of [Y/N]'s burgeoning career, but seeing the fervor firsthand was something else entirely. As the two women neared each other on the red carpet, their worlds briefly collided.

Hailee smiled as she extended a hand towards [Y/N]. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, her voice warm.

[Y/N] reciprocated the gesture, her eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm. "The pleasure is all mine, Hailee. I've been a fan of your work for years."

The surrounding photographers seized the opportunity to capture this star-studded encounter. Flashbulbs flickered as they exchanged pleasantries.

As Hailee and [Y/N] posed side by side for the photographers, they put on their best smiles and struck poses that oozed charisma. The cameras snapped away, capturing their combined star power. The flashes illuminated the night, making the scene feel almost surreal.

Amidst the bright lights and the hustle and bustle, Hailee subtly leaned closer to [Y/N]'s ear. Her voice was barely a whisper amidst the noise. "Are you free tonight?" she asked, her lips brushing gently against [Y/N]'s ear.

[Y/N] turned her head slightly, meeting Hailee's eyes with a surprised yet intrigued expression. She nodded almost imperceptibly, hiding their now planned rendezvous from the watchful eyes of the paparazzi.

Their secret arrangement added an element of intrigue to the night, a hidden connection amidst the glamour of Paris Fashion Week. As the cameras continued to capture their every move, Hailee and [Y/N] shared a knowing look that promised a private adventure in the City of Love.

A nearby journalist seized the moment to ask, "Hailee, what brought you back to Paris after all these years?"

Hailee's gaze shifted from [Y/N] to the reporter. "Paris has a special place in my heart, and Fashion Week is the perfect excuse to return. It's also wonderful to see new talents like [Y/N] making their mark."

[Y/N] blushed and responded, "I'm truly grateful to be a part of this world, and I hope to continue growing as an artist."

Their conversation was momentarily interrupted by the crowd's insistence on both celebrities sending kisses to their fans. With a wink and a wave, [Y/N] delighted her admirers, sending the crowd into a frenzy once more.

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