"Who is my daddy ?" | PART 2

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"I am sorry that you aren't be able to grow up with your father. But you still have me, you know?"

"Yes I know momma."

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hailee's pov

I was driving to my parent's house, Y/M still in the backseat. We had a conversation before. Not a long one but a kinda serious one.

I kept her, I kept Y/N without knowing I was pregnant. I was pregnant but denial of pregnancy. I took a morning after pill, after the.. you know.. r a p e... so I thought it would work but, hey, turns out, it doesn't work %100 sure.

Him, the bastard, I knew him. I used to listened to his music with his band. I never liked him, I was more into Zayn... Anyways. He was stalking me everywhere. On social media, in the streets... Everywhere. As I told you, I was coming back from groceries and he trapped me against my car. I'll skip the details because neither you or me want to know and remember. He just did it. I tried to fight. But it was the evening and I had a big day that day. I was 19. The 'HAIZ' EP had been released a few weeks before. Everything was perfect until it happened. The fact that I didn't know I was pregnant was terrible because you know, your body doesn't show it. I kept working out and everything. Fortunately I'm not a smoking person wether it is cigarettes or drugs.

"MoOoOOom" I got out off my thoughts when Y/N called me.

"Yes sweetie?" I looked at her thanks to the rearview mirror.

"I'm stAaarving!" She complained, touching her belly.

"How do you know that word?" I questioned her, maybe she learned it at school...

"Because of your song... 'I didn't know THat I wAs staarviNg 'till I tAaasTed yoU!'"

"Oh. Oh... But I never put this song near you?"

"No you didn't. But they put it on the radio when I was in the bus with my classmates to go to the beach and I recognized your voice."

"Do... Do you know what the lyrics mean?"

"They talk about the food you discovered when you became adult and the food you loved while you were younger which doesn't exist anymore so that's why you say 'I was so much younger yesterday'." She explained with a big smile on her face. Yeah.. Sure... That's the meaning of the lyrics...

"Yeahhh sweetie! You guessed it right!" I let go of the steering wheel to applaud for a few seconds.

"You know.. The song which just came out... When your friend sings 'I wanna fit in between your legs'?"

"What about this lyric...?" Lord help me. What is she going to ask me...

"It's about him wanted to be in between your legs?"

I chuckled. "No baby. He talked about another woman."

"What does it mean?"

"Uhh... It means that he— Oh look! Dwight and Bruno are waiting for you!"

"Where are they??? Ohhh! Teeny, Brando, look, your friends are here!" She knocked on the window but nobody could see her because the windows were tinted.

"Y/n, sweetheart, they can't see you." I giggled while she kept knocking on the glass surface. I parked the Porsche next to Griffin's car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and went to do the same for Y/N.  Martini and Brando took advantage of the situation to jump off the seats and run to their little friends. They were way shorter than Bruno and Dwight so they had to be careful if they didn't want to get run over.

"We don't talk about BrunoooOoooo, no, no, no!" The little girl sang loudly. Let me tell you something: this girl, every time she sees Bruno, she can't help but sing this lyric since she watched 'Encanto' for the first time.

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