Pact with the Devil

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summary: alone, young in her teen years, bullied in school, y/n is about to be hitting to death but some brunette intervened before she actually passes away.

warnings: mention of suicide, violence

words count: 2,785

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y/n's pov

I was walking as fast as I could to escape them. They were running after me, they were chasing me. I was out of breath but I kept running until I bumped into someone. One of them. I fell on my ass, grimacing because of the pain I felt. I crawled on the floor to try to avoid them but there was no chance. One of them grabbed my shirt and lifted me up before pushing me against a concrete wall. Pain. Again.

"Where is my money, Y/L/N ?!" The most imposing of them yelled.

"I— I don't have it.." I answered, looking at my feet, feeling fear.

"I gave you two months more than usual to find that money! Now I want it. I need it. So you better giving it to me or otherwise my men will take care of you." Did he just threaten me...?

"I didn't have enough time to earn $2,000!!" He put his hands around my throat.

"You didn't have enough time?! Are you kidding me?! You had 5 months to earn $2,000! You are so useless. You are such a fucking failure. You know what? You should die, Y/N."

Tears were dripping on my cheeks, my eyes were already red and I was literally fighting to not passing out.

"I'm.. I'm sorry! I— I'll find your money, please just leave me alone! I'm gonna have— I'm gonna have a panic attack!" I tried to save my life but he didn't care at all.

"You give me no choice Y/L/N." He choke me tightly until no sound escaped from my mouth. I closed my eyes, thinking that my life was about to end. Just like that. Alone, young, broke.

   I thought I will join my parents in the stars but when I reopened my eyes, there was no more pain. There were no more hands around my neck trying to choke me. There was a woman though. A woman dressed in a red outfit. She had brown hair and hazel eyes, pretty tall and her body was muscular. She stood in front of me, looking at me before I let me fall to the ground, sitting against the wall I was pinned on earlier. I looked up at her, tears in my red puffy eyes full of fear, coldness and loneliness.

"Who— Who are you?" I asked, shyly and lowly.

"You don't need to know my name right now." She held out her hand to me to help me getting up. I took her hand and got up, looking down at my feet. "What do you want?" She never looked away from me.

"What do you mean...?"

"What. Do. You. Want? As simple as it sounds. Tell me, and I'll make it happen."

"Who are you..?"

"You're very stubborn aren't you?" She chuckled evilly while putting a hand on my cheek. "I'm Hailee. Hailee Steinfeld. I come from six feet under." She said seriously. "So now that I told you my name, you can tell me what you want."

"I— I don't know. I don't know if I should trust you."

"You have all the reasons in the world to not trust a stranger who, by the way, saved your life. So, what do you want, Y/N? Do you want to live a life as boring, scaring, annoying, violent, dangerous as the one you actually live or... Or maybe you want to start a new life? A life full of joy, full of success, full of friends who love and cherish you like a treasure. A life with a lot of money... A bank account with billion dollars in it that you won't need to worry to become poor again... You'll have enough money until you die and come with me."

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